Your NEW Addiction!!

Happy Tuesday and if you're new to our fam welcome! We are growing like crazy so if
you've been with us for a while you have probably noticed all the new faces around.
I trust all you newbies will find The Camp just as addicting as the rest of us do!
When I do my monthly orientation for new members I always warn them we are highly addicting,
everyone laughs, but it is very true. I may have mentioned this before, but the word I
most often hear to describe The Camp is "addicting"! and it makes me a proud mama!!
The definition of addicted in the dictionary reads:
To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something
habitually or compulsively.
That's totally positive if it has to do with working out. If you are addicted to working out, whether it be with us at
The Ladies Fitnees Boot Camp or Semi-Private Training or any other gym, you are on the right path to reaching your fitness goals.
You do know, "obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"...and
it's along the the same lines as being addicted!
Your passion for this has to be dramatic in order to really have a significant effect on your life.
If you spend an hour at the gym but do the same thing day in and day out like run the treadmill for 20
min and and throw some weights around every once in a while I guarantee you're not seeing major
improvements in your body.
Bottom line is, most of us are healthy and we work out because we want to look better right?
If you're investing an hour of your day at the gym, make it worth your time, get results!
You're already putting in the time, make it count.
A plan of action at the gym is super important. This doesn't apply when you come to Camp or
Fitness Concepts, you just show up and leave the rest to us, we will provide the action plan. BUT...
it is up to you to step it up, challenge yourself, commit to going longer, harder, and focus more on your form.
There are ways to make the workout burn 1000 calories or go through the motions and burn 320, same amount of
time...more effort. One of the few things money can't buy, you have to put in the work on your own.
No worries though, we are meant to work hard, our bodies are designed to work. Take advantage of the
fact that you can be active, you can run, squat, and jump (even if it's modified). There are way too many people
who wish they had the luxury to be active but cannot due to disability.
Thankfully you are not one of those people.

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!

Never Feel Vulnerable Again

Never Feel Vulnerable Again

Our country has seen some terrible tragedies this past month.
I hope you weren’t personally affected.


Did you know that “when you’re hungry you’re vulnerable.” I don’t like to think of myself as
vulnerable or defenseless. I know women often say they like men who are vulnerable…not me!
I don’t see it as a virtue.

Anyway, I thought is was a great way to look at being hungry, being vulnerable.
I totally know and always preach the importance of prepping your meals and planning ahead but this phrase
gave me even more clarity. I wanted to share with you because I thought it was valuable!!
It’s the same old concept just said a little differently and perhaps you are able to relate better.
Prepping your meals is part of the process and will be so worth the results…
never feel vulnerable again, just pack your lunch!

Here is a YUMMY smoothie to start off your day:


depending on how thick you want it.
Blend until the consistency is smooth and drinkable.

If you use these portions it will last you for a few servings (you can freeze if
you won’t be consuming the same day).

You can add:
2 tsp. of Udo’s Oil 3-6-9
and 1 tbls. of flaxseed meal.

You can also add your protein powder if you wish!
Enjoy, totally filling and taste good too.

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day!
The best time ever to get in shape...although I think you should always work at bettering yourself 
in every single aspect of your life but the spring and summer seasons definitely give us a lot of motivation to step it 
up and get our butts in gear.
Having a positive body image is such an important part of feeling fantastic everyday.  For me personally, as long as 
I'm working on bettering myself I feel good.  When I am stagnant and lacking goals or motivation, I kind of feel like a
loser.  When you're not growing your actually shrinking or bluntly put, dying!!  Whether it be in business, relationships, education,
fitness, I always stay focused on's inspiring and keeps me excited about life.  
Not to toot our own horns but have you noticed how fitness people are extremely positive and motivated.  I've 
recently gotten into Facebook and I follow a lot of fitness competitors and other athletes.  The common denominator between them 
all is that they are very positive, believers, fighters, committed, and focused.  I'm sure they all have their ups and downs but 
I find it very inspiring and I love to see these people's pics and quotes for motivation to work hard and not give up.  
Figure out what inspires you and feed yourself a dosage everyday to stay focused on your goals.  It has to happen in your mind first!!

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!

What Is Clean Eating?

1. Choose whole, natural foods and seek to eliminate or minimize processed foods.
Processed foods are anything in a box, bag, can, or package, and although there are always a few exceptions to the rule (like a bag of fresh green beans), the majority of your foods should be fresh.

2. Choose unrefined over refined foods.
While it may not be possible all the times, you can up your intake of whole grains like brown rice, millet, amaranth, and quinoa. Beans and legumes are also important. Clean sugars include honey, maple syrup, and dehydrated sugar cane juice.   ****

Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are sometimes called “white foods”. These include sugar, white bread, white rice, and many pastas, baked goods and cereals. Refining is the process of removing water, fiber and nutrients from natural grains. This helps to concentrate taste and improve shelf life. Unfortunately, these foods are not very healthy for the body. The sugars in refined foods are concentrated and eating them can cause blood sugar levels to spike. This can lead to symptoms of increased appetite, irritability and fatigue. Blood sugar fluctuations can also cause the body to store more excess calories as fat. Eating refined carbohydrates can also lead to nutritional deficiencies. The nutrients needed by the body to utilize the sugars in carbs are lacking in refined carbohydrates, which forces the body to dip into its own reserves.

Unrefined Carbohydrates
Basically, any food that hasn’t been altered from its natural state is considered unrefined. Natural whole grains like wheat, oats and barley have high fiber content and important nutrients. Fiber is important because it slows the absorption of sugar from carbohydrates and helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body. Most Americans are consuming a fraction of the fiber they should be getting in their diets. Look for “100 percent whole grain” on the label, when purchasing breads, pastas and other processed foods.

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of unrefined carbohydrates. Although fruits are high in simple sugars, they’re an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and most contain a good amount of fiber. Vegetables are wonderful sources of unrefined, complex carbohydrates. Some have such a high fiber content that they are considered “negative calorie” foods. Your body will burn more calories digesting these foods than the amount of calories that they contain. Be sure to incorporate beans, lentils and other legumes into your diet.  They’re a great source of unrefined, complex carbohydrates that’s also high in dietary fiber and protein. Filling up on these high fiber carbohydrates will help you to curb your hunger pangs, while providing much needed nutrition to the body.*****

3. Include some protein, carbohydrate and fat at every meal.
Most of us typically do well with carbohydrates and fat, but we often lack protein, especially in the early part of the day, like at breakfast and lunch. Protein is an important muscle-builder, and it can also help curb your appetite. When eaten throughout the day, it keeps us feeling full longer. Be aware of the kinds of meals you put together and space out your protein.

Clean eating sample menu

Bowl of porridge made with water and topped with a handful of blueberries, strawberries and spoon of low-fat natural yoghurt.
Mid morning

Piece of fruit and a small handful of unsalted almonds.

Grilled chicken breast with a large salad and a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice with a slice of homemade bread made from wholewheat flour.
Mid afternoon

Bowl of homemade vegetable soup.

Grilled salmon steak with boiled new potatoes and steamed veg. Plus a bowl of fruit salad topped with low-fat natural yoghurt.

4. Watch out for salt, and sugar.
This is easier than you think, particularly if you’ve cut out processed foods, which are responsible for most of our excess calories and high levels of sugar, and salt. Clean foods are usually naturally low in all of these ingredients.

5. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day.
This usually pans out into three main meals and two or three hefty snacks. Eating this way prevents you from skipping meals and overeating. It also keeps your blood sugar levels steady so energy doesn’t lag.

6. Don’t drink your calories.
High calorie drinks like specialty coffees and soft drinks, on average, tack on an extra 400 to 500 calories a day. Choose water first, or my personal favorite, unsweetened tea (any flavor). Other clean drinks: low-fat or skim milk and 100 percent fruit juice diluted with sparkling water. Drink half body weight in oz each day.

7. Get moving.
Regular physical activity is a must for many reasons. Not only does it decrease fat, strengthen and build muscle, and help you burn more energy at rest, it keeps your heart, lungs, and bones healthy and strong. 

And we can help in that area.  
Ladies Fitness Training - We have a new Beach Body Contest starting on 4/8/13.  Here is the info for this contest:
Or we have our semi-private training program for those that want more one on one training.  Here is the info for this program:
Or if you are not close to any of our locations you can get a copy of my 90 Day Total Body Transformation Journal here:  Click Here for only $9.97

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!

DON'T mess this up...

DON'T mess this up...

Once upon a time, there was this High School Cross Country team, and every week they would run a race..

Every week 50 runners would start, and as the race went on, the stronger ones started to pull ahead, and the weaker ones fell behind..

But not for this kid called Ben

Ben is not the fastest runner on the team, he has never won a race, and most likely never will.

Ben has cerebral palsy..

This is a condition where there is “physical disability in human development”

.. or in other words, when Ben would run, his twisted spine, tender muscle, and dragging feet would cause him to fall down (.. then hit the ground hard, whereafter he’d pick himself up to keep going)

To outsiders, people with cerebral palsy can appear to be ‘broken’, and it’s no wonder that Ben would fall behind a LOT during the race

Every race the pack would run so far ahead of him that he’d lose sight of them, and then he would be all alone..

No matter how big his mental strength, he would get frustrated and fed up with his condition..

Everyone else would finish the race after about 25 minutes, but for Ben it would always take at least 45 minutes..

When Ben eventually crosses the finish line, he is exhausted and in extreme pain.

But in the end, he did what he set his mind to, and he proved to himself that there is not such thing as a handicap

Of course, he is a TOTAL inspiration to all of us..


.. that’s not what I’m writing you about here

This is not a story of mental toughness, throwing out your excuses, and ‘picking yourself back up after you fall down’

Those are great lessons, no doubt, but we don’t need Ben to learn those lessons.

There are many others who inspire us just as much, and we can always just watch a Rocky movie

(plus, Mariah Carey has like, a bazillion songs on this. But she works out in high heels so dat gurl krazy)

The lesson in this email is much deeper

Because in every race, after 25 minutes, something amazing happens

When everyone else is done with their race, they all run back..

–> to run with Ben

Ben is the only runner, who when he falls, has someone to help him back up.

And when Ben finishes, he has all the runners behind him. Crossing the line as a team with the same common goal -> to get Ben to finish and be part of the team..

Now what THIS teaches us, is that when you compete against everyone else, nobody wants to help you..

.. but when you compete against YOURSELF, everyone wants to help you

And there are 2 reasons I’m telling you this:


We are about to enter the darkest month of Fitness. It’s called April, the 4th month of the year when you realize you are not any longer on track of your New Years Resolutions.

In April the average American has been taken off complete track of hitting their goals from the new year.

Or in other words, in April, the average American gets flabby

And it’s all because of the first WEEK..

The first week of April is when many Americans decide to ‘pause’ their workouts for a month.. have spring fever....

Then blablabla, come May they want to come back, Swim Suit Ready, blabla, broken record, put on some hiphop instead, got a condo ‘round my
neck – girl, I’m cashin’ out,

My lecture to you today is to pay ZERO attention to your surroundings at this very moment

IF.. tight arms, a flat stomach, and gangsta rap legs is what you want, then go get it.

The time of the year and the people around you have nothing to do with your goals.

If ‘they’ decide to take part in the ‘off track pity party’ then that’s cool, but not you..

It’s so easy to do what everyone else does. It’s easy to rationalize you ‘taking time off’ if all your coworkers do the same..

Don’t fall for that. Live in your own world. One where everyone is friendly and you do more than anyone ever would expect of you.



The second reason I told you this story is because the only person you should ever ‘beat’, is yourself.

Never lose sight of that.

Stop staring at celebrities or fitness models.. you’re not out to beat them or be like them..

(and getting inspiration from fitness models is like eating at the Elephant Bar, you end up disappointed)

If you want inspiration, flex your quads and look at your side profile after a heavy leg workout

Nothing should ever motivate you more than your OWN results (and the firmness of your butt)

What the others do is of no relevance to you, so don’t be inundated by them

For instance, with LFT and all, not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me: “How do you guys compare to LA Fitness? Are you better than Crossfit? What about P90X?”

My answer is that I have no idea.. and LFT is by no means better than my competition on all aspects

All I know is that the work we’re doing right now is better than it was 6 months ago..

And the work we will be doing 6 months from now will be better than the work we’re doing today.

So imagine if you sign up today, how it will be next year..

It’s simple, just get better.. and better.. and better.. and better

.. so that whatever comes into your life right now will either have to grow with you or hit the road

It’s March 19th as I write this – the upcoming month is going to be rough, but ignore the lazy, get clarity, and follow what you want to achieve

Now go workout today. And start eating Kale once a week. See you soon,

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!

I got muscle with Zumba...

I got muscle with Zumba...

… said no person EVER........................

Before the weekend hits, I want to set something straight:

For real results, you need to build muscle..

And to build muscle, you need to damage it during your workout, so that it can ‘regrow’ afterwards.

Yup, ‘damage’.. stay with me

During this ‘regrow’ after your workout.. it’s the intention to have your muscle grow back stronger and bigger.

That’s one of the main purposes of working out, aside from burning calories during the workout.

DURING your workout you’re tearing it down. When you eat & sleep you rebuild.

But you will only ‘regrow’ and rebuild your muscle if you:

-> Take a protein shake within 5 minutes from finishing your workout (you can get at prograde)
-> Push heavy weight in the first place (with proper form) (like with our Semi-Private Training Program)
-> Have a complete meal within 60 min after finishing your workout (go sweet potato & Kale, both available at TJ. Tijuana. I mean Trader Joes.)
-> Be nice to others. Don’t be like Justin Timberlake, only inviting 2 of the N-Sync members for his wedding with Jessica Biel, that’s just mean
-> Drink at least half a gallon water (aim for a gallon and fail forward)
-> Get at least 7 hours sleep. No more Jay Leno. Go to bed. Live like a European in America, it’s a beautiful thing.
-> Reduce stress to a minimum. Have a 7 month emergency fund set up. And cut out all vampires from your life. Especially if they get drunk more than once per month.
-> Eat clean. No more drive-throughs, except for maybe Waba Grill if you go for the all-white meat and brown rice before 3pm.
-> Stop saying dumb things like “I want arms like that” or “I want legs like hers”. Be grateful, happy with what you have. I can guarantee you that your absolute WORST day is someone
else’s dream come true (think paraplegics).

If you do all this properly, you will gain muscle.

Gaining muscle is GOOD.

When you gain muscle, you increase your metabolism for throughout the day, so that your Calories OUT goes up not only during your workout, but also afterwards..

This is why I’m big-time anti-marathons.

Unless you’re on a bouncy treadmill, running long-distance breaks muscle down like no other.

Yeah you’ll burn calories while running, but you’ll lose muscle as well – the OPPOSITE of what you want.

Big time risk of getting ‘skinny’ instead of ‘Warrior-like’

And to all guys -> when a fire breaks out, most brunettes choose the warriors over the skinny’s to carry them to safety. Blondes too I think.

To girls -> skinny is extinct. Come 2013 it’s about c-shapes, strength, and legs that have ‘content’. SUF client Vicky Rodriguez comes to mind.

So you break down muscle while you workout. That’s why every workout should be 45 min max – you don’t want to damage your muscle for too long

Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle.. muscle

To all ladies: I want you to read that sentence a couple times – or as many times you need to become comfortable with the term. (you can get this with our Semi-Private Training Program)

Muscle is good, it’s your friend. And this email serves as my retirement from telling you that muscle does not make you bulky..

In other words, this is the last time I’m saying it:

Excess bodyfat makes you look bulky. And excess calories gives you excess bodyfat.

Therefore, CALORIES make you bulky

Calories IN vs Calories OUT

Nutrition 101. If you have meatball marinara’s for lunch, you’re giving yourself too little ‘wiggle room’ for all other 5 meals you should be eating throughout the day..

.. and you’re very likely to overeat throughout the day.

‘Overeating’ here means that your Calories IN from waking up to bedtime exceeds your Calories OUT.

One more time:

IN more than OUT – you gain weight

IN equals OUT – you stay the same

IN less than OUT – you lose weight (provided your deficit is reasonable and not all week long, avoiding the starvation response)

See, I’m slightly fired up here – because after my last email where I told about Zumba being ineffective for fat loss, I get this reply from a girl:

“Zumba is a great workout because people sweat and one of my friends lost 30 lbs while doing it”

To debunk this nonsense:

-1- Sweat is not an indication of a good workout, it is your body’s way of ‘cooling you down’ when you get hot. Some people sweat more than others, and it has little to do with whether your workout is effective.
-2- Anyone can lose 30 lbs by reducing their calories IN.. i.e. going on a diet. If you’re disciplined and eating 500+ calories less than what you burn off 6 days a week, you’ll lose 1 pound per week.

REGARDLESS of what exercise program you do. Your exercise program serves to increase your Calories OUT.

Therefore, weight loss is not an indication of a good workout either. It’s your definition, inches, sizes, strength, energy, and butt that defines your workout.

Look, I must write this.

Because I want to save your day, literally.

I want to save you TIME

Let me explain why I don’t like Zumba..

The #1 thing that separates the successful from everyone else is.. how.. they .. manage.. their.. time

Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day.

Warren Buffet has 24 hours. Jay Leno has 24 hours. And even Kanye West has 24 hours, 10 of which he spends with Kim and 10 of which he brags about how much money he has.

What puts you ahead or holds you back, is how you spend your time. Time management is huge

Huge as in Kim’s butt huge.

Now if you look at the Zumba workout versus a Real workout..

.. Zumba being aerobics & dancing, versus resistance training explosive movements, resisted/uphill running, plyometrics, anaerobics, and INTENSE cardio (such as our Boot Camps or our Semi-Private Training Program)

Then you’re better off spending time doing a real workout.

Zumba is like Spanx. It feels good at first, but in the end you’re just as flabby.  (so funny)

Resistance makes you stronger. You can’t expect to see results from Zumba, there is no resistance involved.

It’s aerobics.

And “trying to lose fat with aerobics is like emptying the ocean one shot glass at a time”

Your body grows when you are uncomfortable, Your body grows when you put it through resistance, and Zumba does not provide ample resistance.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate Zumba for their place on the fitness ladder. Zumba is an awesome way of ‘getting started’ for girls that:

- have not worked out in 12+ years
- have one leg

In all seriousness, “something” is always better than “nothing”. And true success is not for everyone.

And one of the worst phenomena in the world is when fit people make fun of the unfit for ‘trying’

It just hurts to me to see these unfit people ‘trying’ and truly believing they are going to see real results.

It just won’t happen with aerobics. Richard Simmons never had a 6-pack.

As another awesome gym owner in Canada, Rob King says:

“Anyone wanting to improve their body is a bodybuilder. And I’ll lift weights till the day I die”

So as a group, let’s start being bodybuilders. Or Warriors.

In the good sense of the word.

Not meatheads, but renegades that keep their eyes on the prize and live, eat, and breathe fat loss.

You can do it – I believe in you, and if there is anything you need just let me know


Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


If You Are A Women And You REALLY Want To Be In
The Best Shape Of Your Life With
Cutting Edge Ideas and 30 Day Meal Plan,
Then GRAB This FREE 27pg Guide NOW
As Well As Enter To Win A Free Year of Boot Camp
at our website!