Volume 4 - FAST Ways to Lose Weight

Hello Fit-NOW Friends!

Here are some more great ideas to put into our weight loss tool bag! Let's not forget, it takes a combination of these ideas to help shed those pounds. There is no one quick fix.
16. Eat Slowly if You Want to Lose Quickly

Our bodies don’t register that they’re full and satisfied for 15-30 minutes after we get full... eating slowly will ensure you’re not over-stuffing yourself when you don’t even mean to! Also, our saliva contains enzymes that help break the food down while we are still chewing, so the more thorough you are when chewing, the more healthy nutrients you will be able to get out of the food you are eating. Try chewing each piece for 7-10 times before swallowing and see the difference — not only you will feel fuller faster, you will also have better digestion and a better overall health in a matter of weeks. And the end result — that weight melting away!
17. Indulge in a Treat Occasionally

Depending on your weight loss goals, set those days when you will allow yourself to indulge in a treat, may it be a dessert or your favorite cocktail or something else you are avoiding in order to lose weight. For me having a chocolate cake once a week worked just fine, although before I used to have sweets every day. Pick the hardest day of the week for you and have your little treat after a proper meal that day. Not only it will help with the cravings, it will also help make that day more pleasant. And don’t worry, a dessert after a proper meal once a week won’t hurt your weight loss progress. As long as you keep implementing other fast ways to lose weight from this list.
18. Replace Unhealthy Foods & Drinks

One by one, substitute the unhealthy foods and drinks in your diet with their healthy versions; this is one of the most important fastest ways to lose weight. Start by replacing soda with water or sparkling water with lemon to make it more interesting. Once you conquer that height, reach for another, substitute white bread with wholegrain, a big piece of chocolate cake with a small piece of high quality dark chocolate (Lindt and Godiva have the best dark chocolate bars, just do not have the whole thing at once.)
19. Fastest Ways to Lose Weight - Banning Soda Altogether

It will be perfect for your weight loss if you stop drinking soda altogether and substitute it with water. However, it’s not an easy habit to break. So if you absolutely can not live without a sweet drink, replace soda with fresh squeezed juice or home made lemonade. Assuming you drink 16 ounces per day, you’ll save more than 43,000 calories a year by ditching the soda. And what a big improvement for your weight loss progress and overall health that would be! Some people think they are not putting on weight as they drink diet soda. But the worst part is, diet soda is even worse than regular soda. So, the only way to do it is to stop drinking any kind of soda altogether.

20. Drink Plenty of Water, Especially if You Feel Hungary

If you feel hungry, you may actually be thirsty, as at first, thirst is translated as hunger in our brains. So try drinking a little water and in a few minutes see if you are still hungry before you indulge in a snack. Drinking plenty of water in general is very beneficial to your health and drinking water can help you lose weight faster.

Until Next time!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!



Fast Weight Lose said...

Soda is mainly the reason to improve the weight, If we drink the having mixed the water then it will be useful for us.