Women's Health: Bone

Hello Fit-NOW Friends!

Our bodies are well oiled machines and have a lot of components that we are responsible for taking care of to keep us moving. We have been discussing different topics of Women's Health the last three weeks. I hope you have found something useful to apply to your life. Today I would like to chat about our skeleton, our bones. It's time to bone up ladies! Our bone health is crucial to live a healthy life. For women, by the age of 20 years old we have generally completed the growth of our skeletal mass. Then once menopause starts our bone mass starts to decrease rapidly. This can increase the risk of osteoporosis. This disease is not prejudice and it can effect men and women of all ages; however, it does tend to target a specific group of individuals such as: 

  • Female
  • White/Caucasian
  • Post menopausal women
  • Older adults
  • Small in body size
  • Eating a diet low in calcium
  • Physically inactive
However, we don't have to become a part of the statistics! It's not to late! Start today!

To help prevent osteoporosis you can start with what you eat. What we eat is a direct reflection on our bone health. Are you noticing a pattern here with our diet? The direct affect of what we put into our mouth affects our health down to our BONES! Here are a few more important items to add to your daily diet that contain high levels of calcium which in turn can absorb into your body. You can also find many of these wonderful foods in our Home Delivery Nutrition Program.

  • Dairy products—low fat or nonfat milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Dark green leafy vegetables—bok choy and broccoli
  • Calcium fortified foods—orange juice, cereal, bread, soy beverages, and tofu products
  • Nuts—almonds
Next, you have to get off the couch and off your butt to get moving! Most studies contest you need to exercise at least 30 minutes a day as a start. A good place to start is our Semi-Private Personal Training that helps get you exercising and helps guide you into a healthy eating plan. Both will help get you on the right track to prevent osteoporosis.

Another tip is to knock the caffeine out of your life! The caffeine causes your body to flush out the calcium before it can properly absorb. Even if you are taking those calcium pills, that's not good enough. Cut the soda, you have to just rip that band-aid off! Also try to stick to just one cup of coffee, but make sure to add that milk for a mini calcium boot!

What does your skeletal photo look like?

I'll say it again, it is never to late! Our bones are living tissue and can be renewed. You have to be willing to take steps to strength your bones to continue or start a healthy life style.

Until Next time!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


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Women's Health: Heart Health

Hello Fit-NOW Friends!

The American Heart Association website states heart disease as the number one killer in women and more deadly than any other cancer. Have you caught yourself saying any of the following statements about heart disease in women? “It’s a man’s disease.” “Breast cancer is the real thread.” In reality one in 31 American women die from breast cancer each year and heart disease claims the lives of one in three. It’s time to stop listening to the myths and take responsibility for your own heart health ladies! There are many other myths out there regarding Women’s Health and heart health for women, so if you catch yourself dismissing it with a catch phrase you have heard before, STOP and take the time to look it up and see if the statement is true. It could mean the difference between your life and death. Don’t forget you ALWAYS have a choice to change and by making healthy choices many times you can even reverse heart disease!

Getting rid of your belly fat is one of the top suggestions by Dr. Oz to lower your risk for heart disease. When looking in the mirror, we each have the feeling we need to whittle our waist so we can fit into those skinny jeans, but more importantly it is crucial to eliminate that belly fat squeezing our organs so they don’t function correctly.  

He also suggests remembering to breath! You have heard that before here on Fit-NOW Girl that we have to slow down and remember to breath. Taking a deep breath is similar to hitting a restart button to help zap stress. It also helps get rid of nitric oxide in your body that depletes blood vessels in your body.

Are you new to taking a deep breath? Here are few quick pointers:
·* Breath in for five seconds filling your lungs, you will feel your belly moving away from your spine
·* Next exhale for seven seconds, while pulling your belly button back towards your spine.
When we get busy and stressed, one might take short shallow breaths without even realizing it. We all take breathing for granted, but it can be crucial for your heart health.

Another tip to ensure your heart stays healthy is to eliminate drinking soda, completely! Not only are those sugary beverages not helping your heart, but its wasted calories that won’t help you reach your goal weight.

Are you ready to take your heart health into your own hands and make a change today? Let’s rev-up your exercise to make your heart strong and health by joining the Ladies Fitness Training! You will start see results in no time! I encourage you to take a few minutes to explore our Semi-Private Personal Training program. 


Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


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Women's Health: Digestion, How Are Your Pipes Working?

Hello Fit-NOW Friends!

We all want to be beautiful on the outside, but 99% of the time we don't even think about what our insides look like or how our pipes are working! Until we don't feel good, then we wonder what happened?

From the Women’s Health website part of an article from November 2006 shares, “Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract deals with the dirty work of your body: digesting food for nutrients and sending out the trash. This noisy, smelly, squishy system includes the esophagus, a 10 inch-long tube; the stomach, a fist-size bag of muscle; 20 feet of small intestine; and 6 feet of large intestine (aka the colon).“  I know it sounds disgusting, but several studies show the topic of our digestive system is becoming more the norm, which is good for our health.  I find it intriguing that our bodies are such amazing machines!  Digestion is such an important piece of our health and many take it for granted.  Are you taking it for granted?  Perhaps you are thinking, “Out of sight, out of mind.”  Unfortunately, that doesn’t cut it my Fit-NOW friends, we have to take action today to change that lack of thought process for our pipes inside.

First step is to start with what you eat. What are you depositing into your body?  Ladies Fitness Training can help you with starting with our Done-For-You  Nutrition online program.   It’s simple, easy and you don’t have to think about counting calories or what to put on the grocery list, our online program does it ALL! 

Great, now that we have you on track with what you are eating, let’s take a look at some tips that you should take into consideration for your digestive health.  I found an article 5 Tips for women’s digestive health on sheknows.com written by Michele Borboa.  The article goes on to share if you are suffering from constipation and diarrhea on a regular bases, it’s possible you are suffering from a digestive issue.  Studies show that women suffer more than men with digestive issues; however, it is estimated that women are better at going to the doctor more often and can communicate their symptoms to the doctor.  With that said, it is important to pay attention to your body.  If you are experiencing abnormal bloating, bowel irregularities, IBS, heartburn, indigestion or abdominal pain then it’s time to look further and take care of yourself before it escalates into a digestive disorder. If you address the issues early, generally you can kick it in the butt early and be back on the road to recovery and be able to enjoy life to its fullest without having to worry about any of the embarrasing side affects of unhealthy digestive tracts!

The very number one tip recommended is up your intake of fiber.  There are a number of ways to do this through your diet.  To name a few items that you could add to your daily menu are fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.  The article does share a daily fiber quick tips:
Here are some quick tips to up your daily fiber intake:
  • Have a bowl of oatmeal, bran cereal or another high-fiber cereal for breakfast.
  • Top hot or cold cereal with fruit and nuts.
  • Mix whole wheat pasta and lightly cooked vegetables for lunch or dinner.
  • Combine brown rice and black beans for a savory meal.
  • Add a side of Brussels sprouts or another high-fiber veggie to dinner.
  • Nosh on air-popped popcorn for a late night snack.
  • Always choose whole grain bread with at least three grams of fiber per slice.”
A couple of other suggestions are switching your coffee for green tea. That’s tough one for some of you, but the benefits are astronomical!  Another tip, make an appointment with your doctor once a year and keep a dialog with them about your health. You have to be your own advocate and stay on top of your doctors recommendations, do you own research to make sure it’s right for you.

One of the tips struck close to home for me, managing your stress. Wow. I have a feeling stress is going to be a common thread in all of our discussions through our section of Women’s Health.  We recognize as women that this is a daily struggle and we will not be able to eliminate all of the stressors in our life; however, we can learn how to manage our reactions to those stressors. Don’t even know where to start? That’s ok, just start with taking 10 minutes of your day to stop and stretch. Also make a conscious effort to breath. Take a deep breath through your nose for 5 seconds and then exhale through your mouth for 5 more seconds. Being aware that you are breathing (or not if you were stressing and going a hundred miles an hour!) can make a huge difference on your stress level.  Did you notice your shoulders relaxed a little after that exercise? No? Then, re-read this paragraph and try it again until they do.

Finally, the final tip in relation to improving and maintaining your digestive health is to exercise daily.  Again, don’t know where to start? Well, guess what, we can help with that too!  We love being helpful to you ladies to help you get on a healthy track!  Check out our Boot Camp locations to start your commitment to adding exercise to your daily routine.  At the Boot Camp link you will find all of our locations, times, pricing, and success stories of ladies that have taking that step to better their health, and most of them unknowingly bettering their digestive health too.  If nothing else, take a moment to read these amazing women’s stories of transformation.  Are you ready for your own success story?

Next time your stomach gurgles or you feel bloated or you are not sure if your deposits are regular enough, it’s time to look more into your digestive health ladies. 

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


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Women's Health

Hello Fit-NOW Friends!

Ladies Fitness Training is pumped for 2013!  You may have noticed or even been a part of some of the new changes that are evolving.  One of the new exciting updates will be the new format of the blog. We will be highlighting some main topics through out the year and then digging a deeper to bring you helpful information that includes some tips and tricks. We hope you will enjoy and please share your feedback to help us all be fit!
Ladies, listen closely, our bodies and mind are all we have!  It’s vital for our well being to take the time and effort to nurture and care for our body, mind, and soul.  When I think of Women’s Health, I think of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect of health. There is so much information and so many tools out there, thanks to the World Wide Web! I can find that all information overwhelming. So personally, I have to keep it simple. Stick to the facts and focus on what works.  Keep trying until you find what works; however, you have to be committed completely to yourself and your health.  Over the next several weeks we will be digging deeper into different areas of Women’s Health.  Also as I’ve mentioned, exploring some tips and tricks to add to your tool box of success!  Have I piqued your interest?

There are many directions that Women’s Health can be viewed.  The World Health Organization (WHO) website shares some factors that have hindered women’s health over the centuries.  In many parts of the world women don’t have the option to have a “positive health outcome”, as WHO shares.  We need to be grateful that we do have options to have a positive health outcome that we desire.  We just have to take one step at a time in the right direction.  There are many paths to take towards that healthiness and you have to find your own path. However, the best part is you don’t have to do it ALONE! You have choices. You have tools available to you to help walk that path more successfully.  Hey, I’m not promising the journey will be easy, but you can be successful.  So what are you waiting for, join us at Ladies Fitness Training in our goal to help you be the best and healthiest woman you can be!

I’d like to share some inspiration from some amazing woman Olympians:
'Falling in life is inevitable—staying down is optional.'"
-Carrie Johnson, two-time Olympic kayaker

"'Breathe, believe, and battle.' My former coach, Troy Tanner, told us that before each match. Breathe—be in the moment. Believe—have faith that you can rise above it. Battle—you gotta be prepared to go for as long as it takes."
-Kerri Walsh, two-time beach volleyball Olympic gold medalist

"'If you think you can't, you won't, and if you think you can, you will.' When I'm tired at practice, I tell myself that I'm not tired, and I can push through. If you tell yourself you're tired or if you tell yourself you're sick, your body is going to follow the mind."
-Kellie Wells, 2011 USA indoor and outdoor 100m hurdles champion

"'Keep calm and carry on.' A challenging time is just that—a period in time. Taking a few deep breaths and knowing that it won't last forever really allows me to focus on the present moment and task at hand."
-Betsey Armstrong, 2008 water polo Olympic silver medalist and goalkeeper for 2012 U.S. Women's Olympic Water Polo Team

You and I are Olympians in our own lives. Let’s find that drive together to conqueror our health and over come any obstacles that knock us down along the way. I hope you will join us on this adventure of exploring Women’s Health!

Until Next time!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!


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