Tip: Moderation is the key to diet success

Tip: Moderation is the key to diet success

Why do most diets fail? They typically fail because the dieter sets unrealistic rules they cannot follow long term. One rule that seems to always be a reoccurring theme is the "I shall not eat junk food until I have lost X amount of lbs" rule. Truth be told, not many of us have the will power to go cold turkey on our favorite treats. How realistic is it to tell yourself that you will not eat pizza, ice cream or whatever your favorite treat is for until you've lost 5, 10, 20lbs? This is how we ultimately fail.

How does one diet successfully? In my years as a fitness trainer, I never put my clients on a stereo typical "diet". That is why I create the 3 Phase dietDECK with 3 different plans to fit all needs. I had them master the habit of eating in moderation where nothing is "off limits". This eliminates the feeling of guilt that ultimately leads to diet failure. When you allow yourself to eat what you crave (in moderation of course) then you won't over eat when you do satisfy that craving. You can do simple things such as use a smaller plate to eat off of and always leave a bite or two of food on your plate. Making small changes in your eating habits can make a big difference in your waistline.

So although it is not stated in the cards at this time, make sure that you give yourself a free day and any cravings you have, save them for that day. You will see a huge difference.


The Fiber Facts ... Did You Know?

There are so many ways to try to lose weight and to keep the weight off once you have achieved your goals. Some are easier then others. This is a really EASY way to help, get more fiber in your diet. Here are just a few facts about fiber:

Fiber intake of 25g a day helps keep weight off?

Fiber stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat?

Fiber moves fat through our digestive system faster, absorbing less?

Awesome info. Ok you do need to get some fitness time into your day as well so here is a really fast but effective 10 min workout you can do, we do a similar one in our boot camp class:

Do each for a 20 second of exercise and then take a 10 second rest. Do 2 rounds:)

1. Jump squat (from a squat position, jump into the air like you are shooting a basket)
2. Regular crunch
3. Jump squat
4. Run in place
5. Jump squat
6. Regular crunch
7. Jump squat
8. Run in place

You should be butt tired:) Have an awesome day and make your fitness goals a priority. PLAY TO WIN the game of your health, not to just be a participant..


Nutrition Challenge - 8 Week Challenge - Reach Your Goals

Nutrition Challenge

This challenge is for anyone that wants to :)
STARTS: JANUARY 12, 2009 ---- ENDS: MARCH 8 , 2009

**$10 buy in and the entire pot goes to the winner!!

This will be an 8 week challenge

You will PAY your $10 via Paypal - Pay Here

You will take your measurement in the following areas only:
Biggest part of your thighs (both),
Upper arms (both),
Waist (at your belly button,
Hips (3 inches down from your belly button).
When measuring, record to the nearest 1/4 inch. Take a photo if you like to see the difference.

The winner will be based on a point system, and will be declared at the end of the challenge.

I will send out post with the top people on the www.Fit-Now-Girl.com blog

Here is how your points will add up:

5 points for each full inch lost (end of challenge)

5 points for each week that you complete all your food items with out adding any in or skipping any. You can have 1 FREE MEAL PER WEEK. This will follow the 3 Phase dietDECK plan. (this is the download for the 3 Phase dietdeck that you got when you signed up on this list. If for any reason you did not get it, email me at ladiesbootcamp@yahoo.com and I will forward it to you again.)

5 points for each week that you drink all your water and take your vitamins.

1 point for every 30 minutes you workout each day. (you only get these points if you did your food for the week)

WHAT to do NOW:

Pay your $10 and post your measurements listed above as a comment on this post.

We officially start with the points on 1/12/2009.

Each week you will post on this post on Saturdays with your points for that week. To be accountable I want you to list them, not just a total.

DO NOT CHEAT..... If you are dishonest in any way, you will feel terrible about it, so don't to it:)

Take it week by week and just be accountable to yourself.

The winner will get the pot. !!

