Candy...the good & the bad

Happy Halloween!

I can't believe that October has come & gone, and tomorrow my sweet angels will transform into ghosts & goblins for the night on their quest to accumulate as much SUGAR and GUM as they can. With all of that candy hanging around the plain sight....begging for someone to rip off the wrapper & shove it in their sure makes sticking to a diet more difficult.

I thought it would be appropriate to critique the popular candy types, and see if there is any ONE better than the other. Courtesy of "The Mommy Files", I found the following rating scale:


    Chewy or sticky candy
    Examples: caramel, taffy, gummy candy
  • These types of candy can stick to the teeth long after kids are done eating them. Bacteria in the mouth feed off the sugar in these candies and produce acid, which in turn can cause cavities and other mouth problems.

Hard candy
Examples: lollipops, suckers

Similar to sticky candy, these types of candies take extended amounts of time to dissolve, thus the mouth is exposed to sugar for a long period of time.

Sour candies
Examples: lemon drops, sour straws
Higher acid content in sour candy makes the mouth more acidic and breaks down the tooth enamel quickly. This highly acidic environment leads to a much greater risk for tooth damage.

  • Still Bad, but BETTER
  • Chocolate
    Example: chocolate bar

    Various studies have shown that chocolate is less harmful for teeth than other sugary foods because of a natural anti-bacterial compound in the cocoa bean which 'cancels out' some of the harmful effects of sugar in the mouth.

  • BEST
    Candy or gum containing xylitol

    Example: Xclear candy, Trident gum

    Xylitol is a naturally-based sugar that actually helps prevent cavities. Bacteria in your mouth are unable to ferment xylitol, thus harmful acids are not produced.

One more piece of advice: The best time to eat candy is after a meal because the mouth's saliva is already working to move food (and sugar) out of the mouth. Moms should try to make Halloween candy a dessert treat for kids, rather than a snack between meals.

Be safe, have fun & STAY WARM tomorrow night!

Have an awesome weekend!


Myth vs. Fact

I heard in passing the other day, that there are actually diets out there that focus strictly on eating only one food. Imagine....only eating grapefruit for a month at a time. I have no doubt that (should those...desperate enough...complete this fad) participants DO succeed at loosing weight throughtout their diet, but at what nutritional (and mental) expense?

I though it would be appropriate to de-funk some popular myths and reveal some actual facts about weight loss.

  1. Myth: Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight.

    Fact: No foods can burn fat. Some foods with caffeine may

  2. Myth: Natural or herbal weight-loss products are safe and effective. Diet products would not be sold if they were not proven to be safe.

    Fact: It's "buyer beware" where dietary supplements are concerned because their makers don't need the Food and Drug Administration's stamp of approval before selling their wares. Stimulant drugs can promote short-term weight loss by decreasing appetite and increasing metabolism, but the pounds shed always come back on with a vengeance when you stop taking them.
    Further, stimulant drugs can cause addiction and other harmful side effects.
    A product that claims to be "natural" or "herbal" is not necessarily safe. These products are not usually tested scientifically to prove that they are safe or effective. Some herbal or other natural products may be unsafe to use with other drugs or may hurt people with certain medical conditions. Check with your doctor or other qualified health professional before using any herbal or natural weight-loss product.
  3. Myth: Fresh fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than frozen or canned.

    Fact: Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh. Frozen or canned produce is often packaged right after it has been picked, which helps keep most of its nutrients, while fresh produce can sometimes lose nutrients after being exposed to light or air.
  4. Myth: Starches are fattening and should be limited when trying to lose weight.

    Fact: Potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, beans, and some vegetables (like squash, yams, sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, and carrots) are rich in complex carbohydrates (also called starch). Starch is an important source of energy. Foods high in starch can be low in fat and calories. They become high in fat and calories when you eat them in large amounts, or they are made with rich sauces, oils, or other high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream, or mayonnaise. Choose starchy foods that are high in fiber, like whole grains, beans, and peas. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 6 to 11 servings a day from the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group, even when trying to lose weight. A serving size can be one slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or 1/2 cup of pasta, rice, or cooked cereal.
  5. Myth: Fast foods are always an unhealthy choice and you should not eat them when dieting.

    Fact: Fast foods can be part of a healthy weight-loss program if you choose salads and grilled foods instead of fried. Use high-fat, high-calorie toppings, like full-fat mayonnaise and salad dressings only in small amounts. Eating fried fast food or other high-fat foods like chocolate once in a while as a special treat is fine--but try to split an order with a friend or order a small portion.
  6. Myth: Fish has no fat or cholesterol.

    Fact: Although all fish has some fat and cholesterol, most fish is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than beef, pork, chicken, and turkey. Fish is a good source of protein. Types of fish that are higher in fat (like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, and anchovies) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are being studied because they may be linked to a lower risk for heart disease. Grilled, baked, or broiled fish (instead of fried) can be part of a healthy weight-loss plan.
  7. Myth: Watching fat in the diet — or severely restricting dietary carbohydrates — is the best way to lose weight.

    Fact: Most weight loss experts agree that managing calories rather than focusing exclusively on fat, carbohydrate or protein counts is the bottom line for weight-loss success. Eating fewer calories than you burn each day will slim you down. Still, it's sound practice to limit dietary fat, not only because of fat's well-known artery-clogging effects, but also for its relatively high calorie count — nine calories per gram compared to four in the same amount of carbohydrate or protein.
  8. Myth: Your body has a predetermined "set point" that blocks weight loss beyond a certain limit.

    Fact: A frustrating plateau in weight loss is a familiar problem among dieters, but studies suggest that metabolism tends to adjust to weight loss and is not responsible for the dieter's block. The American Council on Science and Health notes two possible explanations for the scale getting stuck:
    Because muscle weighs more than fat, the scale may show the same weight even while exercise works its magic, subtracting inches from your waistline.
    Because a lighter person burns fewer calories during exercise, as you drop pounds your weight loss may slow.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Hearty & Healthy Pumpkin Soup

Boy oh boy! It's our first (hopefully of many to follow) REALLY chilly day, and BOY, am I LOVING it!

It's days like these that I like to curl up with my kiddos on the couch, all of us huddled in a blanket, everyone fighting for a place on my lap (which by the way is getting smaller) or the seat next to me. We read stories, watch a fun family movie, play games, and even (on rare occasions) let the kids sip soup from mugs on the couch. It's days like these that make Fall such a wonderful month, because we're excited for the change in weather and welcome the chill!

One of my FAVORITE all time recipes is Pumpkin Soup. I was so looking forward to making it this year with hand-grown pumpkins from my own personal garden, but patch did not produce in time for the pumpkins to be ripe. There's always next year, right?

Courtesy of

<u>Healthy Pumpkin Soup
Makes 4 servings
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 cupspumpkin flesh, chopped (I sometime use butternut squash)
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 4 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 cup skim milk powder

  1. In a large saucepan, heat olive oil and gently cook onion without browning, for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Add pumpkin, carrot and rosemary and cook,stirring for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add stock and bay leaves.
  4. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes until vegetables are tender.
  5. Remove any rosemary stalks and bay leaves.
  6. Place a third of the soup in the blender with a third of the skim milk powder and puree.
  7. Pour into a large bowl.
  8. Repeat with the remaining soup and milk powder and pour the whole lot back into the saucepan, heat through and serve.

Nutritional Information (per serving): Calories 260, Calories from Fat 60, Total Fat 6.7g, Saturated Fat 1.5g, Monounsaturated Fat 3.9g, Polyunsaturated Fat 0.9g, Trans Fat 0.0g ,
Cholesterol 10mg, Sodium 450mg, Potassium 1480mg, Total Carbohydrate 37.9g , Dietary Fiber 2.1g, Sugars 17.9g, Protein 14.9g

I can almost feel this liquid gold ray of warmth running down my throat now...Off to the kitchen!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


You may not know...

We live in a society based on first impressions. How we look, act and feel when we meet someone for the first time is often how they base their opinion of us for the rest of the time that we know them. Weight is the most often way that people describe each know, the thin one or she's kind of heavy set.

Right or wrong, how we look has a direct impact on EVERYTHING we do, whether at home or in the workplace. Weight bias in the workplace is not new, nor does it seem to be improving among fellow co-workers. In fact, complaints made to various news entities and worker advocates regarding unfair treatment, promotion passes and unfair wage compensation, all claimed to be based on obesity, have begun to become more prevalent. Many employers however, do seem to be paying more attention to the matter, and many acknowledge that it has become a problem.

I just recently discovered that my health care (provided by my employer) offers many discounts for various weight loss and health programs. Other companies now offer full gyms for unlimited employee usage; in fact, I personally know of one company that URGES their employees to take an hour break in their day to burn off pent up steam in their company gym! After hour exercise classes instructed by professionals, on staff dietitians, health-conscious cafeterias and other health-care perks are just a few examples of the effort that most companies are offering these days, though (as in my case) most do not effectively communicate that such help is available!

I urge you (should you be interested) to call your human resource department or current health care provider to get the skinny on available discounts or programs that may be available. Who knows, maybe you CAN afford that gym membership after all!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


I get knocked down...but I get up again.

There's an "old" song that I remember my little brother used to belt out at the top of his lungs. It was the song he played over & over & over again to get pumped up for a big game in high school, the song he used to cheer himself up when things didn't go his way, and the song that drove me NUTS because I heard it so often.

That same song, called Tubthumping (or "I get knocked Down", as I call it) by One-hit-wonder Chumbawumba, somehow manages to ring clear as day in my head at times when I myself need a pick-me-up or reminder that things will be OK. When I stop & think about it, the fact that THIS song is what pops in my head is very odd on 2 counts:

1. The song (aside from the chorus) is really pointless and (let's face it) strange
2. I REALLY hated it when I was younger.

The chorus of the song says:

I get knocked down, but I get up again.
You're never gonna keep me down!

There is really nothing SO special about the words, except they stand as a reminder to me that it doesn't matter HOW many times you get knocked down, as long as you get back up.

I have a confession to make....

I cheated on my diet this weekend. (Begin the tisk-tisk's and gasps)

I have held steadfast on my diet for 3 weeks without a single moment of cheating...but this weekend, there were too many birthdays to avoid, too much time out of the house to make a healthy sensible meal on the go, and (quite frankly) I WANTED to cheat. There, I said it. I admit it! I WANTED to taste something other than my "allowed" food smell the intoxicating aroma at a restaurant and quench my thirst for calories! And I did...and I LOVED IT...while I was eating.

I have heard people refer to being in "food comas", yet until this weekend...I had never experienced one. Oh mercy heavens...I was useless yesterday! I felt so gross, and bloated, and gluttonous! Now, don't read too much into my words, as (despite what it may sound like) I didn't binge or stuff myself silly, in fact, I ate what most people have for a "normal" dinner meal. I ate salad, 2 bread sticks, a chicken breast & a small side of mashed potatoes...followed by sharing a decadent chocolate lava cake (is your mouth watering yet?).....mmmmmm. However, after limiting myself only to the FUEL that my body NEEDS rather than the tastes that my body WANTS, I was stuffed!

Yes...I was knocked down hard on me 'arse yesterday, but today I'll get back up.

I am glad that I allowed myself one day to enjoy friends & family, to NOT focus on calories, to have a fun-filled & tasty day complete with some new memories. Yesterday was great. Yesterday is gone, and now is today. Today, I am 100% re-focused and determined to get back up, shake myself off from any lingering urges to cheat, climb back onto my diet wagon and continue the journey to achieving my goal weight.

And that, as far as I'm concerned, is what really matters. Giddy-up!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Old Dog...New Tricks

It seems that the older we get, the more routine our lives become. There is so much to pack into our short waking hours that a set schedule is the only way we can ensure that nothing is missed and we have best utilized our time. The more routine things become, the more difficult it is to alter or add things, and as a result, we fear change and avoid it at all cost.

When I first made the decision to change my lifestyle by joining a boot camp group last year, I knew that there would be many difficult days ahead. I knew that my decision would force my husband to take on some responsibilities he had never had before, and I felt bad for being selfish. I knew that although he would support me in my weight loss journey, he would also resent me at times for leaving him to bear burdens on his own, and that was scary to me. I was afraid that, by committing to 90 minutes of "me time" to work out away from my kids 3 times a week, my kids would feel neglected. I knew that we didn't have a lot of spare funds, and the monetary commitment would bear a burden. I had so many voices telling me that the change I was making would not last, wouldn't be worth the stresses sure to follow, and that the change (although positive for me personally) would have a directly negative impact on my family's functionality. Despite the constant nagging of negative voices, I took the first baby step and embarked on my journey to becoming a healthier ME, and have never looked back.

There have been days when frustration or anger arise and conflicts over my dedication to working out develop between my kids or husband, but I carefully assess each situation and act appropriately. If my son is struggling in school & needs an additional hour's help with his homework, I accept that his needs come before my own that night. If my toddler is feeling clingy and feverish, I have faith that my husband can comfort her until my workout is done. I have learned that although my family would much rather prefer to have me at their beckon call 24/7, they will find a way to survive (on most occasions) until I get home from my work out. As an added bonus, my husband has come to appreciate my "maternal awesomeness" a little more now that he is responsible for baths & bedtime 3 mights a week, something he has NEVER done in his life.

My point to this little story is that you're never too old to change.

Sure, change can be scary, and routines are comfortable, but if you're not happy where you are now, unless you change, you never will be. No one will come into your life and arrange it so that you can have time to have to be the catalyst. You have to make the decision to improve yourself and find a way to make it work. I promise you that it can be done. Changes just aren't about loosing weight, they're about feeling GOOD about who and how you are. Simple changes such as omitting your morning frappachinno or bagel, walking 20 minutes during lunch, or bringing your lunch rather than buying can have amazing positive results. I have found that my 3 year old is just as content talking to her friend in a stroller on a 3.5 mile walk as she is playing with her at the house. In fact, nightly walks have now become part of our routine, and my daughter whines on nights I have boot camp because she would like to "walk."

Small change, big impact, and everyone is happy.

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
~ George Elliot ~

Have a super weekend!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Bet 'cha can't guess....

Bear with me I guarantee the question I'm about to ask you is health related.

Can you guess who the largest toy distributor in the world is? Did you guess Toys R Us? Walmart? Target? FAO Schwartz? If you would be wrong.

The # 1 Toy distributor IN THE WORLD is....(drum roll please)....McDonald's. Yes, as in fast food, red-haired clown with big feet McDonald's. Bet you didn't see that one coming.

How is it that a FOOD chain can beat every other toy company in the world? Because they give toys away with their kids meals, and more people buy their kids fast food every day than toys.

Are you shocked? You shouldn't be.

For the 2008 tax year, McDonald's reported a net income of 28.5 BILLION dollars. That's a lot of cheeseburgers! McDonald's estimates that 20% of their profits are generated from Happy Meals, and I know first hand that parents don't only buy them for those 12 & under. In 2004, McDonald's partnered with Disney Company to spin their happy meal marketing to include promotion of upcoming Disney flicks...and you know what? It worked.

Kids want to play with characters they have seen in motion; to mimic scenes, create their own storylines, and occasionaly be the bad guy. Parents want to please their kids, and hey, it's only a couple of bucks, and so they entice their little cherubs with Happy Meals until they have "collected all 8". However, I can't say that I know many parents, myself included, who take a trip to McDonalds and only buy their child a meal. McDonald's tactic to bring kids in through bribery works double time...on our waists & wallets.

McDonalds has other ingenious ways to fatten their pockets and your waistline...the Monolopy game. Everyone wants to win a million bucks, and you can't win if you don't play. For an added $1.00, you can upgrade your drink or fries and get additional Monopoly game pieces! What a steal!

They (and many other fast food chains) ask sly questions to increase your total and caloric intake, such as:

"Would you like that Large or King (fries or drink)" when it comes standard as a medium. You automatically will reply with one of the two choices they list.
"Would you like cheese or bacon on that?"

The next time you find yourself tempted to please those doe-eyes little gems we call our children with the latest happy meal collectable, offer them an alternative for one that doesn't come with fries. Your wallet and waist will thank you.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Healthy Apple Stuffed Acorn Squash

As promised, here is a healthy dinner SIDE DISH, chalked full with apples and a perfect match to any chicken or pork entree. I can't wait to smell this cooking in my oven tonight, wafting the warmth & comfort vibe that any fall meal should evoke. It is courtesy of Fruits & Veggies - More Matters.

Healthy Apple Stuffed Acorn Squash
Yields 8 servings
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 2 acorn squash (about 4" in diameter)
  • 8 seconds butter-flavor cooking oil spray
  • 2 tablespoons sucralose no-calorie sweetener (ex. Splenda)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 medium Fuji apples (or another of your choice)
  • 2 tablespoons light butter


  1. Cover raisins with warm water and soak for 20 minutes; then drain.
  2. While soaking, preheat oven to 375°F.
  3. Cut acorn squash into quarters and remove the seeds.
  4. Spray the inside of each squash quarter with one second of cooking oil spray.
  5. Mix sweetener and cinnamon together. Sprinkle squash quarters with 1/2 of cinnamon mixture.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes.
  7. While baking, cut apples into quarters and remove the core. Chop apples into 1/2" pieces.
  8. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat.
  9. Add apples, raisins and remaining cinnamon mixture. Mix well and remove from heat.
  10. Take squash from the oven and top with equal amounts of apple mixture, making sure to scrape saucepan well.
  11. Squash needs all the melted butter to stay moist as it bakes.
  12. Return squash to the oven and cook for 30-35 minutes or until apples and squash are tender. Serve warm.
Nutritional Information (per serving) Calories: 101 Total Fat: 3.2g Saturated Fat: 1g % of Calories from Fat: 25% Protein: 1g Carbohydrates: 21g Cholesterol: 4 mg Dietary Fiber: 3g Sodium: 28mg

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


So glad you told me!

As part of my commitment to "spreading the news" to my faithful readers, I dedicate every Tuesday post to recent finding in various health/weight loss studies. You would seriously be amazed at some of the studies I find...some are very interesting, while others are just plain stating the obvious.

For example, today I saw a study that stated:

"Marriage can make women gain weight"

HOLD THE PRESSES...say what??!! Are you telling me that all of these unsightly pounds are a direct effect of my getting married some 12 years ago? That by saying "I do" I have cemented my fate to be forever obese? Darn these studies and their 12-years to late results!

The "study" (and I use that word VERY loosely here), conducted at University of Queensland in Australia, went on to attribute the weight gain to lessening of physical activity, women putting their family needs ahead of their own, and the pregnancy & birthing of children. I'm so thankful to the people in charge of this study for their time, dedication & devotion to explain how I got in the predicament I now find myself in. Bless you.

Another "ya think?" study I found stated:

"Unpopular middle & high school girls gain more weight"
Please don't misconstrue my "duh" attitude as mockery or oversight of the severity that this statement holds. I am simply aghast to the reason for needing for such a study. As a parent of a 10 year old daughter, I am consumed with fear each and every day for the effect that the judgement and cruelness that consumes this big bad world will have on her future being, personality wise and physique. Perhaps I am mis-remembering my childhood school days, but I certainly do NOT remember having to deal with such vindictive, spiteful, and caddy drama when I was in 5th grade, let alone on a daily basis. Any parent of an adolescent or teenager girl would surely be able to tell you that with unpopularity comes a plethora of unfavorable consequences such as: low self-esteem, exclusion, depression, repressed personalities, and eating disorders. Perhaps the money and time spent on making such a statement (or "finding") would have better been served in joining and/or promoting campaigns such as the Dove Campaign for REAL beauty. Don't state the obvious, be assertive to alter it.
And, I must admit that I have saved the BEST for last. The New England Journal of Medicine printed the following findings of a study conducted at Harvard School for Public Health:
"Study Finds: Eat Less, Lose Weight"
Well, now you know. If you eat more than you can burn in a day, you gain weight. If you eat less than what you can burn in a lose weight.

Aren't you glad that tax payers pay for these studies? I know I am!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


An Apple a day

I went to the mall this weekend as part of tradition, in search of my favorite autumn & holiday scented candles. It is something I look forward to each & every year, and my eyes get wide, my heart beats fast, and I dare say I feel like a child in anticipation of Christmas morning. As I entered the mecca that has seemed to perfect the art of bottling up memory invoking scents, I found reassurance that I was not alone in my feeling of content, as may others were lost in memories past. There were fall wreath scents, pumpkin pie, autumn breeze, and the ever so popular, Macintosh apple, just to name a very few.

I was in heaven as I indulged my nose to numerous scents of fall Heaven and the occasional coffee bean clear. My mouth watered as I envisioned pumpkin pies baking in the oven & taking long crisp walks amongst the crunching colorful leaves fallen beneath my feet. And the plethora of possibilities for fresh apple delights...oh, my mind went from picking my own apples in orchards with my mom, to my grandma's kitchen at the farm, to my own kitchen full or floured counters, bowls of peeled apples, and helpful kids. I was quite literally at peace.

Fall brings about so many good memories for me, it's no wonder I love it so much. Although there are no apple orchards, pumpkin patches, or wooded areas here to create lasing memories such as mine for my children, there are many other ways to incorporate Fall fruits into new, and just at meaningful, memories. Apples come chalked with so many possibilities, both with their variety of colors, flavors, and uses. I will be sure to post an apple oriented recipe for Wednesday, but for today, I thought it would be fitting to discuss the old adage, "An apple a day keeps the Dr. away."

I wanted to that REALLY TRUE? Not only did I find that, Yes, it is true, but I was able to pinpoint 8 main reasons why that saying holds true, and also an explanation why they have been linked to aide in weight loss.

  1. Apple contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps greatly your immune system.
  2. Apples are rich in flavonoid, and flavonoid prevents heart diseases.
  3. Apples are low in calories. A regular size apple has between 70-100 calories
  4. Apples target multiple cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.
  5. Apples contain phenols, which have a double effect on cholesterol. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.
  6. The juice of the apples has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria in your mouth, thereby preventing tooth decay.
  7. Apples have substances called phytonutrients, which prevents neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's Disease.
  8. Apples promote healthier lungs.

So, how do all of their nutrition and health benefits aide with weight loss?

According to weight loss for, apples are low in calories and fat, low in sodium and contain vitamins, minerals as well as fiber. These can all help to lose weight in different ways. The low calories means we can eat lots of apples without consuming too much energy. The fiber helps by filling the stomach quicker, again limiting the amount of food eaten. Lower sodium intakes helps flush excess water weight from the body, and the vitamins benefit us by increasing health and vitality to keep us active throughout the day. Increased vitality enables us to burn extra calories thus speeding up weight loss.

Another positive benefit of eating apples is the high water content of the fruit. The consumption of apples and other fruits with a high water content helps us take in more water. Many people today simply don't drink enough clean water and research has shown that food cravings or an increased appetite may be driven to gain extra water in food. Water consumption can also give us more energy and help increase metabolism. Many people are discovering the benefits of eating high water foods such as apples and other fruits to help lose weight.

If you're reading this all the while thinking, "Too bad I don't like apples," then you're probably under the false impression that there are only either RED or GREEN apples. Did you know that there are over 16 varieties of apples, just on this continent alone? More varieties are available this time of year than any other, so I'm challenging you to a quest in search of an apple never before crunched by your teeth. Your body will thank you, and so will I.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


What's in your cart?

In case you didn't notice, I didn't post yesterday. It is simply a result of an uncooperative computer and a mainstream of work, not a lack of my devotion. I really did try, but after my computer decided to freeze twice in an hour, I was forced to resume tending to my ever-growing stacks of papers. I'm sorry if I left any of my faithful readers hanging.

On to today's post....

A few days ago I went grocery shopping. It was an ordinary shopping trip. Bought the usual – veggies, fruit, beans, yogurt, and a (fabulously priced ginormous) pack of fresh chicken breasts. When the cashier rang up my order, she said, “That’s the healthiest cart of groceries I’ve checked out in a long time.” Immediately I thought, Cool! Someone noticed! A few seconds later, however, I thought, "Oh, how sad. Someone noticed."

What was in my cart should be in everyone’s cart.

Call me judgmental when I say things like that if you want, but I assure you my attitude is not holier than thou. I truly and sincerely feel bad when I see carts loaded with pop, frozen pizzas and ice cream, and pushed (or in many cases, driven) by someone 50 or 100+ pounds overweight and often with an overweight child riding in the seat. Unfortunately, I understand, am aware, and have in the past fallen victim to the fact that money plays a huge role in what groceries people buy, but so, too, does convenience and lack of real nutritional education.

We can talk all day about “personal responsibility.” I mean, most people should just “know” that a quarter pounder with cheese and a super-sized fries isn’t as healthy as a grilled chicken sandwich and an apple, right? But in observing the food buying habits of the general population, it’s clear that the bombastic nature of food advertising and the convenience of fast food and packaged meals that raw fruits and vegetables, bags of beans, and cartons of yogurt really don’t stand a chance. Especially when foods like yogurt get dressed up as “healthy.” When manufacturers add crushed Oreos, M&Ms and Gummy Bears to the carton, is it any wonder people would say “I had yogurt for breakfast!” and really think they ate something good for them when in fact, they ingested a ton of sugar and very little protein or calcium?


How can someone embrace personal responsibility for their food intake and the repercussions of its consumption on their health when advertising and simplicity (zap it in the microwave!) trump solid nutritional information sources? Nutrition labels are confusing and quickie news reports (let’s face it, we’re a nation of “news in a minute”) of fats and carbs and the newest food trends are confusing.

So how do we get more fruits and vegetables and lean proteins into the carts of Americans? My basic rule of thumb...

If you can't grow it, pick it, milk it, pluck it, or shoot it, you shouldn't eat it. If you can, put it in your cart.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Low Fat Pumpkin Pancakes

Every one who knows me probably could tell you that breakfast is my FAVORITE meal of the day. I could have breakfast for lunch, dinner or a snack! My oh-so-yummy-in-the-tummy fall recipe for the day is especially exciting for me...because it just so happens to "FALL" into the breakfast category!

So go light your favorite Fall-scented candle, grab the kids, and make breakfast for dinner. Be adventurous & throw in some chopped apples, raisins or nuts.

Have I mentioned yet how much I love Fall?

Low-Fat Pumpkin Pancakes
Makes 8 - 10 8" pancakes


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tbsp canola oil
  • 1 cup nonfat milk
  • 1/3 cup pure pumpkin


  1. Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg together in a medium bowl.
  2. Combine egg, oil, milk and pumpkin in a small bowl.
  3. Stir pumpkin mixture into dry ingredients. Leave to stand for five minutes.
  4. For each pancake, scoop 1/4 cup of batter on to a hot griddle or nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray.
  5. Turn pancakes when bubbles appear and edges are cooked, after about 2 minutes. Cook for 1 1/2 minutes on second side.
  6. Find my location and deliver fresh, hot pancakes....or enjoy them yourself!

Nutritional Information Per two pancake serving: Calories 226, Calories from Fat 46, Total Fat 5g (sat 0.6g), Cholesterol 53mg, Sodium 414mg, Carbohydrate 40g, Fiber 1.6g, Protein 4.9g

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Optimism harmful to weightloss?

I sincerely apologize for the long post today, and for the fact that this post is mainly a "copy" of an article, but my time just seemed to disappear today! Hopefully this information will be useful to you!

ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2009) — Being too optimistic could harm weight loss efforts. Research published in BioMed Central's open access journal, BioPsychoSocial Medicine, reveals the psychological characteristics that may contribute to weight loss.

Hitomi Saito from Doshisha University, Japan, worked with a team of researchers to psychologically profile 101 obese patients undergoing combined counselling, nutrition and exercise therapy at the Kansai Medical University Hospital Obesity Clinic over a period of 6 months. Patients' psychosocial characteristics before and after attending the clinic were assessed using psychological questionnaires designed to identify patients' personality types. Patients who were able to improve their self-awareness through counselling were more likely to lose weight than those who were not. Optimism and self-orientation characteristics improved for most patients after the 6-month program, although this was not related to weight loss. In fact, patients who started the program with high levels of self-orientation and optimistic characteristics were less likely to lose weight.

This result supports previous findings that some negative emotion has a positive effect on behavior modification because patients care more about their disease. However, the overall improvement in optimistic ego state is not necessarily detrimental, as this increased optimism should result in patients maintaining the healthy lifestyle achieved at the clinic.
"It is important to enhance patients' self-effectiveness and self-control in order to reduce psychological stress and to maintain the weight loss," state the authors. However, they are careful to stress that: "The weight loss should be attributed not simply to the intervention of the clinical psychologists but to the total effect of the intervention of a holistic medical care team."

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Things I've found helpful

Do you ever find yourself reading weight loss tips thinking, "Yeah, right. Like I'm going to do that."? Well, I've felt that way too. For example, I dare say the day will ever come when brushing my teeth as the impulse to indulge hits will make it any easier for me to pass on dessert!

A weight loss tip needs to be something you'll actually do for it to work, right? So, I'd like to share some of the easiest and most effective weight loss tips that have helped me to achieve and maintain weight loss over the years. I hope that you'll find them helpful.

Snacking When I first started trying to lose weight, I went along with the old school thinking that eating between meals is a no-no. So, I stopped snacking altogether. Wow, did that ever back-fire! When meal times rolled around, I was often so hungry that my good intentions went right out the window and I ate much more than I normally would have in the first place.

Eating sensible snacks between smaller meals will stave off hunger and keep your blood sugar at a good level and prevent this type of situation. In fact, studies in recent years have shown that eating several small meals a day instead of three large ones is better for your health and helps your weight loss by keeping your metabolism revved up! To make sure your snack does the trick, mix carbs with a protein, like reduced-fat cheese on wheat crackers and some grapes.

Counting 1, 2, 3... I have an easy way of "forcing" myself to practice portion control: buying single serving packages and using plastic baggies. I've found that buying the pre-packaged single serving of some types of foods proves too costly, so I buy the regular size packages of those items, but I never eat anything straight out of the package. One of my biggest danger zones is to sit down with a whole bag of baked chips or an entire box of low-fat cookies!

We have all heard that even if something is reduced in fat, it doesn't mean we can eat all we want. That's because calories still count. So, look at the nutrition chart and find how much of your favorite snack is in a serving. Then count those crackers or measure out that popcorn and store your snack serving in individual plastic baggies. If you do this ahead of time, not only do you already have your snacks measured and prepared, but having them on-hand keeps your hunger from leading you to the vending machine, a definite diet danger zone for anyone!

Chill Out, Man! You'll be hard-pressed to find any weight loss advice that doesn't recommend drinking more water. I don't mind downing plenty of H20, but my pet peeve is that it has to be really cold. It's hard to get a nice glass of ice water when you're on the go, so I often put a pint sized bottle of water in the freezer. If you put a single serving water bottle in the front of the freezer for a while, you'll have super cold water to drink for a long time. Don't leave it in long enough for it to freeze solid, but just long enough for a "core" of ice to form. Then, as the ice melts, your water gets colder!

"When Life Gives you Lemon Juice..." I drink so much water during the day that I like to have something different at meals, especially when dining out. I am convinced that I've tried every diet soda on the market and I've yet to find one I can tolerate. But giving in to regular soda can add hundreds -- thousands if re-fills are flowing -- of calories on to the day's quota.
I keep plenty of no-cal fruit flavored waters in the fridge at home. But those aren't always available at my local eateries. So, I like to ask for ice water with a juice glass full of extra lemon slices or a bottle of lemon juice. I add a couple packets of artificial sweetener and voila -- instant diet lemonade!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Lie to me....

You know that feeling when you see an infomercial for a new exercise machine, work out video, revolutionary breakthrough on diet pills, or fad diet? They're high paced, flashy, energetic, and super motivational. It's the reason that the industry makes over $30 BILLION a year on their products.

I personally (and I hang my head in shame) bought the Tony Little Gazelle when it first appeared on a late night soon as I saw it. It did a LOT of the corner of my room....where I kept it. And boy, did I use that a coat hanger.....EVERY DAY. What do you mean, that's not what it was for?!?

My point is, we could spend $10,000 on every widget, gadget, exercise tape, gym membership, or diet...but it won't do us any good unless we rectify our lives and USE THEM.

We need to stop LYING to ourselves. Myself included. I have been known to say, "I've tried EVERYTHING, and nothing works!" Well, the sad truth of the matter is, yes, I have "tried" everything but, I never committed to it. I didn't give 1/2 of the gimmicks a chance, because I would quit after a week of "trying" because I didn't see results. Who's to say that it didn't work? I gave up...I quit...I failed. I shiver to think of the total amount of money I have spent on my journey to Skinnyville. Perrish the thought.....

There are a lot of little "lies" we tell ourselves when it comes to our weight:
  1. I'll start tomorrow...after this McDonald's meal.
  2. My bathroom mirror adds ten pounds, and the bathroom scale is in on the conspiracy.
  3. If you eat it with your fingers, it doesn't count
  4. A glass of juice or lemonade is way better than a can of soda
  5. Any calories in a Margarita are killed by the alcohol (Die calories, DIE!!)
  6. A "bite" isn't big enough to have any caloric value (i.e. a bite of my daughter's cookie, a bite of my husban'ds pizza, a bite of anything and everything from the buffet or mini-dessert tray)
  7. If no one SEES you eat it, then it never happened
  8. Dark chocolate is a health food
You get the idea....

The bottom line is...a calorie is a calorie. 3500 calories = 1 pound, so if you're eating more than your body can burn, you're going to pack on the pounds. Ain't no miracle machine or pill that's gunna change that.

Have a great weekend!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Chain of events

When I look in the mirror, and don't like what I see, it effects SO MUCH MORE than most people realize.

My attitude is less optimistic
I carry myself in a different manner
My face looks tired
I have less energy
I feel depressed
I don't care about what I eat
I allow myself to spiral into a place that I don't want to be.

However, when I look in the mirror, and say "I'm looking great today," I feel invinceable, energized, sexy, hot, smart, refined...I feel like a super hero! I carry myself with confidence, walk taller (sometimes with a little swang), and people notice me. They notice me because I love myself, and because I am noticed, I am happy.

Everything that you do in life effects how you feel; how you portray yourself, either consciously or subconsciously. How you see yourself plays a HUGE part in the result of your weight loss or goals. Positive thinking, optimistic actions, and a cheerful attitude are just what the Dr. ordered when you find yourself in a slump.

When you wake up in the morning, greet yourself with a smile. Compliment your eyes, or how great your hair looks, turn around and check out your own butt. Don't critique, jiggle, crinkle or poke anything, because you are beautiful. If you've recently lost a few pounds, verbally tell yourself how proud you are and that you know you can lose more. Admire yourself in a new shirt or pants, and remark how great they look. Try a new perfume, a new necklace, or even new shoes. Anything that you feel compliments they way you see yourself....FLAUNT it. When you notice yourself, people notice you. When people notice you, you are happy. When you are happy, you strive to do more to get more people to notice you, and that, my friends, begins a lasting, encouraging, motivational chain of events, that will bust you out of any old slump you may be in.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Pasta

Can you smell it? Can you FEEL it? Have you tasted it yet???

Autumn is in the air.

It's my favorite season. It's my favorite smell. It's my favorite feeling.

I love the crisp mornings, just chilly enough to make you think twice about needing a jacket. I love the colors (sorely miss the leaves this time of year), fresh produce, endless possibilities with squash, apples & sweet potatoes. I love the scent of holiday candles, background music, craft time, baking with my kids, just makes me feel inner peace, warmth & pure content.

I fall.

As a tribute to my affection for this season (and the one that follows) I will be posting recipes that seem to evoke the "warm & fuzzy" feeling that I can't seem to get enough of. I know that you probably already have a few dozen "family recipes" that are time honored traditions in your household, but I can almost bet that they are NOT healthy. Why not try to add these to your dinner celebration one needs to know that they're good tasting AND good for you!

Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Pasta
4 servings, about 1 3/4 cups each
  • 8 ounces whole-wheat angel hair pasta
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups shredded, peeled sweet potato, (about 1 medium)
  • 1 large red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup diced plum tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
  • 1 tablespoon white-wine vinegar, or lemon juice
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese


  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook pasta until just tender, 4 to 5 minutes or according to package directions.
  2. Meanwhile, place 1 tablespoon oil and garlic in a large skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the garlic is sizzling and fragrant, 2 to 5 minutes. Add sweet potato, bell pepper, tomatoes and water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the bell pepper is tender-crisp, 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from the heat; cover and keep warm.
  3. Drain the pasta, reserving 1/2 cup of the cooking water. Return the pasta to the pot. Add the vegetable mixture, the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, parsley, tarragon, vinegar (or lemon juice), salt and cheese; toss to combine. Add the reserved pasta water, 2 tablespoons at a time, to achieve the desired consistency.

Nutrition: Per serving: 402 calories; 12 g fat (3 g sat, 6 g mono); 7 mg cholesterol; 62 g carbohydrates; 12 g protein; 9 g fiber; 546 mg sodium; 738 mg potassium.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Say What?!

When times are tough, and we seem to be discouraged about where we are physically, I can't get over some of the extremes that people go through to lose weight.

I'm not going to sit here & lie. There have been times in my battle with the bulge that I've thought, "I need to just get this all cut off." I've contemplated gastric by-pass, lap-band, and liposuction. I've dreamt of waking up one morning and seeing a flat tummy, an overnight effect of some lower body lift. Instant gratification. But, somehow....every time I think about going to an extreme to get quick results, I think of the pain. The healing time, the recovery, the muscle mass loss, and wonder..."would it really be worth it?"

I read something today that still has my head shaking in disbelief...a NEW tactic that some people are using as an aide to weight loss.

Are you ready for this? I hope you're sitting down:

According to an article posted September 21, 2009 in the Chicago Tribune, California cosmetic surgeon Dr. Nikolas Chugay has developed a wildly innovative weight loss tool. He’ll sew a postage stamp-sized mesh patch over your tongue, which makes eating food so excruciatingly painful that patients are forced to stick to a liquid diet. Ten whole patients have been crazy desperate brave enough to try it and some lost “as much as 20 pounds” a month after the surgery.

The weight, I'm sure, is sure to return the minute the patch is removed and the patient starts eating solid food again.

"I'd say the Chugay Tongue Patch is a daily reminder that just because your physician has an M.D. behind their name it doesn't mean they're bright," said obesity doctor Yoni Freedhoff, author of the Weighty Matters blog. "That a physician believes that 'doing no harm' involves promoting physical discomfort as the key to helping inspire long-term behavioral change in patients is truly depressing, both for his patients and for the profession."

I don't know about you, but nothing I've heard before tops this radical new weight loss "tool." In fact, it kind of makes exercise and salads sound appealing, no? For patients who can’t make it out to see Dr. Chugay, here's another solution to curb your rumbling tummy: Simply imagine that there is a mesh patch on your tongue. It's a total appetite killer!

What will they think of next? Thy-ning oth thor nowh...(man it's hard to speak with this patch on!)

Have an awesome day!


Drink your water

When I was paying for a personal trainer at a local gym, I remember them telling me that every person should drink 1/2 of their weight in ounces of water a day. I thought (and still do) that in order to meet that goal, I would have to have an IV line inserted in my arm all day! On average, I drink about 60-70 ounces a day...give or take 10 ounces, and at the end of every night, I am DONE with pushing it down my throat.

I got to thinking, how important is drinking your allotment of water REALLY & how does it impact your weight loss?

Of course we know that all functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking pleanty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost our metabolic rate. But, did you know that water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster?

According to weightloss suite, Water has many benefits for your body, some of which you may not even realize. Water is an appetite suppressant. Many times people feel hungry when they are actually dehydrated. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water then wait ten to twenty minutes and see if you are still hungry. If you’re not, it was actually dehydration.
Drinking cold water can help speed up your metabolism. Your body has to work to heat up the water, thereby increasing your metabolism. Drinking water is important, especially if you're trying to lose weight. Some studies have shown that the thirst & hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving fluid. As most food contains some water, if one doesn't drink much they may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply however, you also gain the undesired effects of increased caloric consumption. Drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss.

Many people don't like drinking pure water. Gaining water from eating fruit high in water content is a great way to boost water consumption without drinking it directly. Fruit will also help fill up the stomach with low calories and gain tons of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to increase vitality. Knowing that AND equipped with the MONSTEROUS list of "water add-ins" that I gave you last week (see by clicking HERE), there is no reason NOT to be getting your daily fill of water.

Now, go grab a glass & thank me later!

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!


Excuses, excuses, excuses!

It took years for me to get to the unhealthy weight I am now. There was always something more important, some reason I gave myself to induldge, an excuse why I deserved relaxation time when I could have been exercising. I was busy, I was tired, my work schedule didn't "allow" time to eat healthy or work out, and as a result (in addition to having 3 kids), I gained 80 pounds and got very out of shape.

Today, I'm even MORE busy, even MORE tired, and my schedule, in addition to my full time job, now includes acting as tutor, taxi-driver, cheerleader, and photographer. But, today, I don't allow excuses for myself anymore when it comes to taking care of my health. Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. As a result of that logic, I am losing weight, very healthy and more fit every day, and am careful and aware of the things I eat.

With every reason why something that CAN'T be done, there is an equal but opposite reason why it CAN be done. All you need to do is believe that you can...and do it.

Only when you make the decision to be a story of success, will you be successful.

"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right."

I believe in you, do you believe in yourself?

Have an awesome weekend!!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!


Diet Soda for weight loss??

Happy October 1! I really can't believe that we're already in OCTOBER! Before you know it, we'll be singing Christmas Carols and revisiting last year's resolutions!

I read, sometime within the past few months, that artificial sweetener (all kinds) have been shown to actually INCREASE your weight, or at the very least, impede your weight loss. As an effect, I have sworn off diet sodas, splenda in my occasional coffee, and any "sugar free" labeled goods. There are times however, when the gallons of water I drink just ain't cutting my THIRST for a beverage...and I slip off the wagon and reach for a diet drink. I know, I know....bad fit-now-girl!! After all, the cherry flavor in a diet cherry Coke is sweet and helps with cravings, the carbonation makes it more desirable than other alternative drinks, and it just so happens to feel a little like cheating-even though it's technically not.

However, I recently came across these facts about soda, which have been published widely on the Internet. Resist hanging your mouth open as you read them-you might catch a fly. But after reading this, I suppose even that is better than reaching for yet another can of soda.

Miscellaneous facts:
  1. The pH of soda equals the pH of vinegar (2.5), making it the most acidic beverage you can buy.
  2. Phosphoric acid (which is the main ingredient) in soda can dissolve a nail in as little as four days? If you're worried about osteoporosis (and who isn't?) then you should also know that phosphoric acid, which takes calcium from our bones, can be a contributor to the disease.
  3. Did you know that the trucks carrying soda syrup concentrate have to use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials? Yeeks!
  4. If you put a T-Bone steak in a bowl of coke and let it sit, it will disintegrate within two days.
  5. Adolescents who consume soft drinks display a risk of bone fractures three to four-fold higher than those who do not
  6. Coke is powerful enough to clean the inside of a dirty toilet.
  7. In certain states in the US, the highway patrol officers carry two gallons of coke with them to remove blood from the highway after car accidents.
  8. Aluminum foil soda dipped in soda can remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers.
  9. Got greasy clothes? Pour a can of soda into the wash with the clothes and run the washer on the regular cycle. The soda will lift the grease.
  10. A can of soda can be poured over a car battery to erase corrosion. It can also be soaked into a towel and put over a rusty bolt to loosen it.
  11. If you've taken a trip and have a lot of windshield "debris", pour a soda onto your windshield to remove the bugs.
  12. It's been rumored that distributors of soda have been using it to clean their truck engines for years.

Whether you believe these facts are true or not, they deserve your attention, if only to make you realize that what we put into our bodies matters. These facts really raise the question, "How much can something assist with weight loss if it is putting a bunch of "junk" right back into your "trunk?" Think about it.

So what's a camel to do?? There's only so much water (I hate tea) that I can drink! Is there ANYTHING (other than lemon) that can be added to water to make it a little less drab? Why yes! There are 32 "natural" ingredients that are safe to add to water when you're just no feeling the plain old tap! (Courtesy of

  1. Citrus fruit – Lemons, lime, oranges, grapefruit. Flavor is just a squeeze away!
  2. Tea – A tea bag works just as well in cold water as it does in hot water. Just steep it for longer.
  3. Ginger – Steep slices of ginger in hot water. Pour over ice.
  4. Sliced cucumber
  5. Mint – Break apart the leaves to release the flavor. Also good with vodka and lime. =)
  6. Unsweetened fruit juice
  7. Fresh pomegranate seeds
  8. Wine – They recommend plum wine or umeshu. I'm sure the same can be done with other syrupy liqueurs.
  9. Strawberries
  10. Raspberries
  11. Blueberries
  12. Peaches
  13. Pineapple
  14. "Sangri Water" - Mix ~ 4 slices each of lemon, orange and lime * 1 ripe peach, cut into quarters * 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks & let steep for four hours
  15. Fresh stevia leaves – Stevia is a naturally sweet non-caloric leaf that is usually sold in packets, but it also makes a nice houseplant.
  16. Mixed fruit – Orange, lemon, lime, strawberries, and cucumber go well together
  17. Lemongrass – Let a sprig of lemongrass steep sit in a glass of water for a few hours.
  18. Parsley – Break apart the leaves to release the flavor.
  19. Sliced cucumber and lemons
  20. Ginger and lemon
  21. Strawberries and mint
  22. Citrus fruit ice cubes – oranges can be frozen whole and used as ice cubes. You could do the same thing with mandarins, clementines or satsumas.
  23. Salt – I am sure you have heard of the term “electrolytes” in the marketing for energy drinks. Actually electrolytes are just ions that can be found in common table salt. Adding a little bit of salt to water helps your body absorb the liquid more quickly. As long as you don’t go overboard with the salt the water should be very quenching and it would be great for workouts since the body loses salt through sweat
  24. Vinegar – Adding vinegar to water is similar to adding citrus. You will get sour water that has vitamin C. When I was a kid I liked adding apple vinegar to water and then drinking it.
  25. Hibiscus (Red Zinger) tea.
  26. Cubed honeydew melon with cucumber
  27. Lavender buds
  28. Angostura bitters - This stuff is often used in martinis and other boozy drinks, but it’s also good in ice water. Just add a few dashes.
  29. Spiced Ginger and Citrus Infusion – Steep the following over hot water for 5 minutes, then drink it hot or on ice: 1/2 in of peeled ginger, a couple of cloves, a small piece of cinnamon stick, and a couple of slices of citrus fruit. You can add honey if you like as well.
  30. Watermelon juice
  31. Cucumber, lemon, mint and rosemary
  32. Sun Tea – Lipton tea bags and sliced lemons served over lots of ice. You can make it more interesting by adding mint, fresh fruit, lemons, whatever you fancy. It’s SO refreshing on a hot summer day.

That's a lot of additives! Happy drinking.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!
