Filling the Need

Tis the season to be jolly….fa la la la la la la!

Well, for me, Tis the season to bake!

All of my memories of Christmas as a child somehow revolve around the baked goods & sweets that my mom would make for us. There were caramels, fudge, sweet breads, dozens of various types of cookies, cakes, pies, candies…the list is endless. As a stay home mother of 6 kids, she had plenty of time to bake while we were at school, and the aroma of Christmas nearly knocked us over each day we came home.

As I too am now a mother, it is so important to me to pass these traditions & warm memories onto my own children. The only problem…I don’t want all of these treats to sit on my counters as temptation. The need to turn up the Christmas music, turn on the oven, and get my hands dirty with my little cherubs is so overwhelming, that I have lost the will to fight it. Fear not! I have figured out a solution to this urge that will not only allow me to bake & create memories for my kids, but will also allow us to give to others.

Last year, in an effort to remind my “older” kids that Christmas wasn’t about presents and getting, it was about giving to others less fortunate, we visited a nursing home & visited with those who didn’t have family near to visit. We played games with them, read stories, took strolls down memory lane, and brought them small gifts. The joy on their faces, both my children & the elderly, was without a doubt, the highlight of last season for me. That simple act & memory meant more to me than any other thing I have done in years. It made quite an impact on my children as well, and we have decided to make visiting others a new holiday tradition.

This year, we have decided to visit the near-by Ronald McDonald house. I would LOVE to visit the children in the hospitals, however many of them are so immunity deprived, outside visitations are not allowed because of colds. Next weekend, right before Christmas, we will fill our need to BAKE…and boy, will we BAKE! My kids will eat their fill, I’m sure, by licking beaters & pans, and taste testing candies as we prepare them to give away, but the rest (I assure you) will be given as a treat to parents & families of children who are spending this holiday season in a hospital bed away from home. My kids will have lasting memories of cooking with me, and giving to others, a memory that I’m sure will not only warm their hearts, but last the entire year.

So, this season, don’t skimp out on your need to bake simply because you’re on a health journey! ‘Tis the season for giving, so put on that apron, flour up that counter, pull out those cookie cutters, heat up that oven, and then pass out your treats. You’ll not only fill your need to bake & feel jolly, but you’ll be giving to others as well.

P.S. Other ways to help out this season are by saying “YES” the cashier when she asks you to donate $1 $5 or $10 to Toys for Tots or dropping change into the red Salvation Army buckets every time you see one. My kids think it’s a game now, and I love to see them in the spirit of giving.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!
