Several things came to mind this morning as I woke up, none of which were positive. With calves so sore from Tuesday's workout, I am forced to walk about like an Ozzy impersonator, cringing at the thought of each step. Combined with one of the worst headaches I can remember, I am finding it difficult to concentrate on anything, let alone be productive today.
As much as I'd like to think, or have you believe, that I am a 24/7 positive person, I am human and do have "days like this" just like you. Days where from the moment you open your eyes and slip out of bed you wish you could slither back in and stay there. Days when nothing seems to be in your favor, when even though the sun is shining and magnificent, you wish you could close the blinds and sleep the day away. And, just like you, I absolutely HATE feeling this way. I do not like feeling pessimistic, because if you can't tell from prior postings, pessimism just isn't my nature. I don't like snapping at my kids, co-workers or friends…because letting out that moment of frustration only conjures up another sense of guilt added onto my already frustrated mood.
So, what to do? How do we de-funk ourselves when we get in these moods? Are there "sure fire" remedies that can blow any dark cloud looming above our head?
For me personally, I have found several productive things to do when I need to shake a bad mood.
- Exercise: Ironically, the most effective thing is exercise. Most often the days you don't want to exercise are the days you need it the most. Exercising releases endorphins, which are the body's natural "feel good" drug. Exercising also allows the brain to release neurotransmitters that alleviate both physical & mental pain. Certain types of exercise, such as yoga, also serve as calming because of breathing patterns and the calm state of mind. Combine your workout with an upbeat favorite song, and I guarantee your sour mood will be sweeter.
- Healthy Food Choices: When you're not feeling energetic or optimistic, your food choices tend to reflect your mood. In other words, you go for convenience or starvation. Making a conscious effort to maintain healthy eating habits will not only recharge your body with the right vitamins, but also subconsciously stimulate your mood because you are aware of your healthy choice.
- Good Friends/Family: I've found that on days like these, when I least want to be surrounded by people, PEOPLE are just what I need. Laughter, good company, and even listening to complaints of others help me wake up from my mindless self-pity and realize that I don't really have it so bad.
So, when you find yourself feeling more like an Eeyore than a Pooh Bear, try to remember that forcing yourself to do the things you least want to do will help shake your mood. Nothing in life will change unless YOU DO…and your mood or outlook on life is no exception.
Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!