Key to Successful Weight Loss - # 2

Last week, I told you about how important MOTIVATION was to achieving your goals, more specifically related to weight loss.

Key Ingredient # 2


The most common reason people lose interest in exercise / dieting is due to unrealistic goals. Some see the images in the media or television and this coveys the message of  how we are supposed to look, adverts enforce these images with false promises like "you too can have a body like this!", and we believe it! When the desired goals aren't reached we're made to believe we have failed.

We need to put these images into prospective and realize that most of the population just do not have the genetic predisposition to look like the models in the magazines, plus most images are now adjusted by computers to look better than they actually are.

Learn to love yourself for who you are, not who you wish to be. Acknowledge that you need to improve your health or weight, but believe that you will do what you can to be the best you can possibly be. The constant pressure and stress of trying to turn yourself into someone you physically cannot be will stop, and it'll be an enormous weight off the shoulders, you'll be surprised at how good it will make you feel and how this can help drive your motivation to make realistic improvements. When we understand and appreciate our bodies, we are able to work with them, not against them!

Have an awesome weekend!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!



Dr Eric Berg said...

that's true. learning to accept oneself is a way to make you feel beautiful inside out. being confident is another way to look fabulous.