Make This The Best Year Ever!! Set Your Goals for 2009!!

Make This The Best Year Ever!!
by Tracey Rodriguez, Ladies Fitness Boot Camp

Well it is that time of the year AGAIN, New Years RESOLUTIONS!!! Many people look at their health at this time of the year. If you vow to LOSE WEIGHT this year, these ideas might help your weight loss efforts.

• Set your GOALS! - Something that is specific, realistic & measurable.
• Keep a food journal - We all seem to be more aware of what we are putting in our mouth if we have to write it down.

• Grocery shop with a list - do not shop when you are hungry.

• Eat from a smaller plate - this will help you if you like to see your plate full.

• Put your utensil down & take a drink after every bite - It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are fed, so this will slow your eating up and you will feel more satisfied with less food.

• Exercise more - get yourself a pedometer. Your first goal should be to get in 10,000 steps a day.

We hope these ideas help you!! Have a Happy New Year!!

Tracey :)