Eating Algea for weight loss??

In my effort to keep you, my loyal readers, abreast on the recent plethora of weight loss studies out there, here's one that you may not find too appetizing.

Courtesy of Easier
A natural product that makes you burn more fat and allows you to train harder, sounds too good to be true? Not according to the 'Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise' journal, which this month published a study that showed some interesting results.

The study, which involved getting participants to run on treadmills, who had either taken the natural supplement spirulina or a placebo, had surprising results showing that for the same amount of exercise, participants who had taken spirulina burnt more fat than those who hadn’t.

Furthermore the study showed those who had taken the spirulina were able to train for longer without becoming tired, and therefore their exercise performance overall was increased.

With such positive results, (although it is important to remember spirulina won’t stop you from having to exercise in the first place) its clear that taking spirulina could help boost your chances of success if you're exercising in a bid to become healthier and lose weight.

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a microscopic spiral shaped blue-green algae that has been on the planet for millions of years. As a superfood it is packed full of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, natural proteins and amino acids and is one of the most nutritional foods on earth; making it popular in recent years with celebrities and nutritionists. However, the new study shows there may be even more to the algae. Those who took spirulina in the study were seen to burn more fat reserves as well as being less tired during exercise and therefore were able to run at a high intensity for longer.

The study used only relatively small amounts of spirulina of just 6g a day, making these results achievable by everyone.

Which Spirulina?

Natural Greens is a natural foods specialist, committed to making spirulina, chlorella and wheatgrass attractive and accessible as everyday supplements in the UK.

Packaged in stylish recyclable packaging, their products come in easy to use powders, which can be added to water, smoothies or juice, or as capsules. They're 100% pure and natural (with no fillers, like some other products), are non GM, gluten-free, and registered with both the Vegan and Vegetarian societies. Furthermore, a percentage of the company’s profits go to the charity ‘Yes To Life’, which helps support people with cancer in the UK in accessing Complementary & Alternative Medicine.

 Packaged in handy 1, 2 or 4 month supplies, perhaps the biggest reassurance of the quality and effectiveness of Natural Green's products comes from their 7 day return policy. They're so confident you will feel the benefits of 'Natural Greens' that they offer a 7 day money back guarantee if you're not happy.

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
