It's easy to forget

I have been "serious" about my weight loss goal for over a year now...and by serious, I mean CONSTANTLY watching what I eat and aware of my weight.

It's been a while since I have seen a change in my body, and getting discouraged or depressed is a frequent occurance these days.  Though I KNOW I've been diligent in my efforts to eat healthier and work out routinely, sometimes the effort hardly seems worth it when numbers on the scale or clothing aren't decreasing.  When all of your hard work seems to be for nothing, it isn't long before you say, "what's the point" and quit all together.

Last week, before joining the 21 day challenge, I was at that point.  I was so discouraged because my "good" habits had been lacking and my will to count calories had dwindled.  I felt so HUGE and WORTHLESS, because for so long nothing had changed.  Out of sheer coincidence one night, I was clicking through pictures that are about 3 years old.  One in particular caught my eye, and made my jaw drop at the PROOF of just how far I've come.  It was a picture of me holding my new-born daughter (just turned 3) a week after she was born.  I couldn't believe how much weight I've lost since then.  Now, I know what you're thinking...Yes, typically people GAIN weight when they're pregnant, but with my last daughter, I actually lost weight and was 3 pounds LIGHTER when she was born than when I found out I was pregnant.  So, even though I just had a baby, my size was very much the same (or less) as it would be had I not had her. 

I had forgotten how much weight I had lost over the years, because I can't see the changes that are taking place slowly.  It's so easy to forget just how "big" you were or how far you've come, when you see yourself ever day, and the changes being made are so small you can't see them.

I challenge you to bring out the old album of when you were at your heaviest and compare it to where you are today.  Watch old home movies, pull out those pants you were saving "just in case" you gained the weight know you have them.  Look at them, try them on...and congratulate yourself on a job well done. 

It is SO IMPORTANT to take a picture of yourself every few months to help you realize, acknowlege and appreciate how far you've come and all of the hard work you've put into getting yourself healthy.

Change is slow, but so worth it.

HAve a great weekend!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
