Strength in numbers

When I look back at my most "successful" attempts at weight loss, they always seem to be associated with either a challenge or buddy system. When my husband is watching what he eats, cooking healthier or enforcing an honor system is much more obtainable, and dieting is more "easy". When I'm working out with a friend, we push each other with motivation to work harder longer, and encourage each other to work out on days when our personal motivation is lacking. Of course, a little friendly competition never hurt either! When I join a weight loss group with a challenge, I always seem to WANT to do more to win...and I'm not a competitive person. I guess I just don't want to be last or do worst, thus igniting some internal drive to do better.

Today is day # 1 of a 21 day challenge I joined through Boot Camp. I'm very excited about it, because (and, I've got to be honest with myself here) I've really fallen off the wagon...far....from my new year's resolution. That's pretty sad, since it's only February 1. Still, despite my inattentive behavior to achieving my personal goal thus far, it's what you do to rectify your past transgressions that matters. So, at least for the next 3 weeks, God willing, I will hold steadfast to my diet...motivated to do better...under the supervision of my trainer to whom I will be accountable. I will adhere to my protocol, determined to succeed and participate in a friendly (anonymous) game of weight loss...knowing that at the end of these 21 days, even if I lose the challenge, I will still have the reward of weight lost. And that, my friends, is worth more to me than a title.

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
