It's never too late.

I saw an inspirational video today of a 92 year old woman and her 29 year old great-grandson.  In this video, they were doing the tango.  It was extremely fast paced, full of tricks, flips & spins, and as good as any professional tango I've ever seen. I was blown away with not only the skill of the aged woman, but also that she had the courage and strength to not only practice the tango, but to perform in front of a crowd.  Leaning such  difficult dance at her stage in life made me aware of the fact that it's never too late to learn something new.

It is true that the older you are, the more difficult it is to break old habits...the more set we are in our routines...the more comfortable we are in our skin...the moe accepting we are of the life we're living.  We become accepting of the fact that we have been and always will be overweight, unhealthy, unhappy.  It doesn't have to be that way.

Start with something that's fun. If you really don't like what you're doing, it's not going to be sustainable no matter how good it is for you.  Exercise isn't the only way that you can stay healthier.  Other habits worth changing include eating, smoking & drinking. Even if a person has smoked for decades, he or she will realize benefits within months of giving up the habit.  Lung damage won't be undone, but smoking's impact on the heart will start to reverse.  Eat fewer calories, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat more slowly.  Start taking once a day multi vitamins, throw in vitamin D, take your calcium and drink alcohol only in moderation.

Don't let yourself become isolated. Staying connected to other people is part of staying healthy, at any age. Some studies suggest that women may live longer because they typically have stronger social networks than their similarly aged husbands and brothers.

So if you wake up, look in the mirror and wish you saw somthing different, just remember that it's never too late to change.

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
