50 Tips for Women

When my husband decides to lose 10 pounds, all he has to do isdecrese the amount of sodas he drinks, eat less bread, or skip his night-time snacks....for a month.  That's it...that's all...and POOF....h's down 10 pounds.  No working out, no calorie counting, no special diet.

It makes me sick.

For some reason, women are designed...biologically created....to store fat.  It is, after all, what the MEN prefer isn't it?  Big butt, big bust...that HOUR GLASS figure. 

When it comes to losing weight, what works for men will almost NEVER work for women.  We DO have to count calories.  We DO have to exercise.  We DO have to commit to a lifestyle change.

I have found 50 tips for weight loss specific to women.  I hope they are of some use to you!

  1. Drink water
  2. Train low intencity before breakfast
  3. After you’ve eaten do high intencity cardio
  4. Avoid refined sugar
  5. Avoid complex carbs
  6. Don’t eat within two hours of dinner
  7. Train with weights
  8. Do some light cardio after dinner
  9. Eat fruit
  10. Eat vegetables
  11. Increase protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, etc.
  12. Take a multivitamin
  13. Take a cod liver oil supplement
  14. Run hills and climb stairs
  15. Increase your intensity each workout
  16. Eat leafy green vegetables
  17. Keep active inbetween workout sessions
  18. Swap your work chair for a fitness ball
  19. Keep fitness equipment like dumb bells, etc. in every room of the house
  20. Find someone to train with in the mornings
  21. Find someone who is better than you at fitness to train with
  22. Make fruit a whole meal instead of a snack
  23. Replace television with active past times like walking, etc.
  24. Join a sport team or a fitness class
  25. Experiment with martial arts and tai chi and yoga
  26. If you are doing weight training and cardio, do the weight training first
  27. Choose cardio exercises that work the whole body, not just the legs
  28. Try not to mix fats and carbs in the same meal (ie cheese and pasta)
  29. Avoid coffee as it leads to bad diet habits
  30. Drink green tea for its health and antioxidant properties
  31. Drink more water
  32. Drink even more water
  33. Make committments to train with different people at different times in the week to keep active
  34. Take the stairs instead of the lift no matter how you are feeling
  35. Park your car further away from your destination or get off the bus early
  36. Make a big pot of vegetable soup on the weekend and eat it for snacks during the week
  37. Pre-cook as many meals as you can and keep them handy at work or at home for ‘junk snack’ times
  38. Keep your ‘cheat days’ healthy by choosing resteraunts that have healthy foods like salads, meats and fish
  39. Eat chilli - the burning sensation is your metabolism speeding up
  40. Eat more often but not more
  41. Eat six meals a day with a two hour spacing inbetween
  42. Use a small bowl or plate to create the illusion of eating a lot
  43. Replace chicken with lean red meat
  44. Find someone you don’t like to do cardio or sport with as you will try harder to win and be more competitive
  45. Experiment with mixing weight training and cardio together with circuits
  46. Read as many weight loss books as you can
  47. Avoid alcohol and late nights as it DOES impact on fat loss training and progress
  48. Don’t hang around ‘junk food friends’ at times you know you will cheat
  49. Go to the shops on a full stomach
  50. Drink a glass of water before every meal

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!



Doreen Hall said...

Yes, the overweight people have a setpoint their body is trying to defend as well, it's just higher than that of the lean patients. If there was no setpoint and you ate 10% more calories than you burned, you'd be morbidly obese in just a couple of years.