Are you with me?

Oh. my. goodness! I have such mixed feelings today about returning to my daily schedule. On one hand, I am so sad to have an actual alarm clock wake me rather than my kids as they climb into bed to cuddle. I'm sad I will no longer NOT have a schedule, and be able to play all day, and stay up watching movies every. single. night!! I quietly whimper at the realization that the holidays are over...the tree is down, all of the snowmen are boxed back up...and reality sets in that...I can no longer "cheat". But, is it realy "cheating" when you do it 2 weeks straight??

Yet, still...somewhere amist all of this depression, I find comfort, excitement even, knowing that...I will be back on a schedule. Isn't that odd? I actually am excited...recharged and revamped...remotivated to get back on track and pick up where I left off. Ready, even if a few days late, to start my New Year's lose weight.

Yes, it's been my resolution (or one of them) for may precending years, but for some reason I cannot explain, this year feels different. A new decade, a new start, a new ME.

This new found inspiration has me there a formula to follow to ensure success with your New Year's Resolution, despite what they may be? Is there some sort of secret that forces us to maintain this momentum for months ahead?

Unfortunatly, as with all other things, there will be no reward if you don't do the work, and weight loss is (in my humble opinion) both the most trying and rewarding goal. Though there are no "sure fire" secrets or formulas, there are many helpful tips to keep in mind. When you keep them posted where you can see them daily, your chance of success is increased!

** Tip #1 - Get an Attitude Adjustment
Attitude is everything when it comes to losing weight. Permanent weight loss is achieved through permanent diet and lifestyle changes. Reverting back to old eating habits after losing weight will only allow the pounds to return. Remember that there are no quick fixes. It took a while to put the weight on and it will take a while to take it off again. Accept that fact and develop a can-do attitude. Commit to the long term. You will be wearing this body for the rest of your life.

** Tip #2 - Set Realistic Goals
Weight loss goals must be realistic. Unattainable goals do nothing more than set the stage for failure. When creating goals, assess all factors such as current weight, fitness level, age, gender and interests. Take all these things into consideration and come up with a workable plan. Start as small as necessary, but do start!

** Tip #3 - Control the Environment
Make dieting as easy as possible. At home, do not bring temptation through the door. Enlist the aid of family members and ask them to keep junk food out of sight and out of mind. My family & I purged the cupboards and refrigerator of high calorie foods on New Year's day, and filled them with healthy alternatives when we went grocery shopping. When away from home, pack a healthy lunch and snacks rather than eating out and avoid passing by the snack machine at work, if possible.

** Tip #4 - Make Simple Substitutions
There are a variety of simple substitutions that cut calories significantly. For instance, switch to fat free milk or use plain yogurt in the place of sour cream. Substitute unsweetened applesauce for oil in baked goods and reduce the sugar in recipes by up to half. Look for other creative ways to reduce the calorie and fat content whenever possible. While these changes may take some getting used to, they will soon become the norm.

** Tip #5 - Shop Smart
To reduce temptation while shopping, stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Most foods needed for a healthy diet will be found around the edges. Especially avoid the snack and candy aisle. Do not pass the ice cream case. Carefully read the label on any packaged or canned food under consideration. Also, never shop when hungry!

** Tip #6 - Control Portions
Invest in a food scale and a comprehensive food guide. Learn what a portion actually looks like. Keep in mind that measuring and weighing food will not be necessary long-term. After a short time, an accurate estimate of portion size will be automatic. It is wise to re-check portion sizes periodically, however, to ensure estimates remain accurate. Use smaller plates, cups and even utensils to make portion control easier. Also, repackage bulk snack foods into the correct portions as soon as they enter the home.

** Tip #7 - Take a Walk
Exercise is essential to long term weight loss success. Walking is ideal as it can be done almost anywhere and the intensity level is easily adjusted. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes and consider buying a pedometer. Commit to walking a little each day. Build some extra steps into the daily routine by parking farther away or electing to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

** Tip #8 - Stay Motivated
Write down all of your reasons to lose weight and keep the list handy. Be specific. Document and celebrate each success. Partner with a friend or join a local or online group to keep motivation high. Avoid boredom by adding variety to the diet plan and exercise regime. Post little words of encouragement throughout your house in places you visit often.

** Tip #9 - Write About What’s Eating You
Emotions are often at the root of overeating. Rather than just documenting what you eat, write about what’s eating you. Use a journal to explore and release negative emotions.

** Tip #10 - Be Kind to Yourself
Most importantly, treat yourself well. Losing weight can be hard work. Be sure to get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and try to avoid situations that lead to temptation. Also, keep in mind that some people, no matter how well intentioned, are hopeless food pushers. If possible, avoid them for the time being, as well.

Until Tomorrow!

Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!

Have an awesome day!
