
My son (in honor of black history month) had an assignment last night, to ask everyone in the house if anyone had ever experienced some sort of prejudice, and if so...what? & how did it make them feel?

Though I cannot begin to imagine the horror and trials that African Americans went through to obtain their right to equality, I was able to share a situation or two with him about how my weight has caused moments of prejudice for me.  I explained to him that for some reason (in my examples), people who have not experienced the life as an overweight individual look at those of us who ARE overweight as less worthy of life.  Their judgements of us are reflected by body language, lingering stares, and whispering combined with laughter.  One moment in particular, was when I was gift shopping for my sister.  I asked a store representative if they had a particular shirt in a medium, and she eyed me & responded very matter-of-factly, "Well, we don't have a plus section here. Are you sure you're in the right store?"  After explaining that the shirt was for my sister (obviously I'm not a MEDIUM), the clerk was more than happy to assist me with my purchase.  I walked out.

Another situation I shared with my son, which is more recent, was when I was picking up dinner for my FAMILY of 5 (not including a meal for me) at a certain fast food place.  Upon completing my order, I paid and waited for my number to be called.  I saw a group of teenagers huddled & giggling, and then one said just loud enough to make sure I heard, "That's why people like HER are so FAT...because all they do is eat fast food.  Then they wonder why they're FAT!" 

Not one of these people knew my life, or the fact that I had been and continue to be activly persuing weight loss.  Not one of these people knew that I had already lost 50 pounds, or that I had 3 kids and a schedule so active I was never home, or that the situations they were judging had nothing to do with ME.  Not one of these people thought twice about their careless disregard for how their words may impact an already insecure person.  Yet, still, all of those people thought that they had the right to judge me based on my appearance and that alone. 

How sad. 

Had I not been strong & secure with myself, and recognized that I am NOT the person that they saw, I may have become what they described.  I began to wonder...if I had fallen victim to such ridicule & predjudice, how many countless others have as well?  How many of those victims were not able to see past the hurtful words that were shouted throughout their lives, and are now so insecure, depressed and unmotivated that for them, THIS is how life will always be?  If they knew how to act when these situations arose, would they fair any better? 

Here are 5 ways to help deal with weight prejudice

  1. Make good friends, forget about the bad! If certain individuals are treating you bad because of your weight, they simply aren’t worth worrying about, are they? Judgemental or negative people like this are not your friends, nor should you want them to be.  Make friends with people who are worth your friendship - be assured there are people out there who will treat you well no matter what size you are.
  2. Keep negativity in check. When you feel self-conscious it can be very easy to start thinking that no-one likes you because of XYZ. When you walk the world with your head hung down, no one will care to take a second look.  When you walk the world with your head held high and beaming with pride, people will notice and want to get to know YOU. 
  3. Step out with confidence - you are a great person and you do deserve people to treat you well. So, be confident, and show people you’re not afraid of what they think of you, nor do you care.  Push yourself to the limit & try new things.  You will be amazed at the things you can accomplish if you believe in yourself.
  4. Be friendly - if you’re constantly angry or grumpy this can be more off-putting to other people than any issues they may have with your current weight.
  5. Don’t play the victim - if you don’t like the way your body is right now, don’t just assume that you can’t change things.  You can, and you will, with a little effort.

I hope that these tips are helpful. ARE beautiful, you ARE strong, and you most certainly ARE worth it!

Have a great weekend!