So, what are your chances?

As we try to get our lives back on track after the holidays, we may find that our intentions to "do better" in whatever category we've resolved to attack, may not be so easy. For example, my new year's resolution this year is to lose 50 pounds by Christmas. Calculated out, that's about 1 pound a week. No problem, right? I started off the year with plenty of pizzazz...ready to attack any obstacle that stood in my way.

Here were are...only 7 days into the new year...and I feel that my pizzazz has already started to fizzle out. Along with us resuming our schedules, we resume old habits that we had with those old schedules...which
would be great (since I was on a pretty good roll with my diet) if my old habits weren't so reluctant to return! I sat in the kitchen last night...and seriously could HEAR banned foods calling my name. Now, I really cleaned up my cupboards & fridge on New Year's day, so chips & garbage foods no longer exist at home. But anything...ANYTHING...that I'm not supposed to have on my self-imposed diet spoke to me. Peanut butter, crackers, some left over chocolate from New Year's Eve s'mores that escaped the trash...yep...they all beckoned me to satisfy my urge to cheat. Let me tell you...I have very weak will power...very weak...and so the only thing I could do to escape their temptations was to shout "I'm stronger than you!" and run upstairs. Sure, my kids & husband were startled & thought me temporarily insane, but I was able to stay strong and avoid cheating.

That "episode" got me to many people who make a new year's resolution are actually able to keep it...and of those who don't how long is it before they tapper off into old habits?

Fun Facts & states that:
63% of people are still keeping their resolutions after the first two months. 67% of people actually make 3 or more resolutions. It's no surprise that the top resolutions among people involves a promise to exercise more (37%), lose weight (42%), or eat healthier (22%).

People make more resolutions to start a new habit (84%) , than to break an old one (16%).

65% of people made their resolutions between the 28th of December and New Year's Day. The rest usually wait until the end of January.

Of those who successfully achieved their top resolution, 40% of them did so on the first attempt. The rest made multiple tries, with 17% finally succeeding after more than six attempts.
Well, after finding out how I compare to the rest of society, I'm glad to know that I'm not alone...both in my struggle with health/fitness/weight loss and my failed attempts year after year.  Now that I know my odds, I don't see why they can't be in MY favor this year!  A 40% success rate is pretty good, wouldn't you agree?  And so this year?  THIS YEAR...together we will be included in THAT percentage.

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
