Facing your fears

I wonder why people get the sudden urge to face problems/situations on or around the start of a new year that they otherwise neglect or simply avoid otherwise? It is only a "new year, new beginning" mentality, or is it the subconscious knowledge that we are not alone in our quest for improvement?

For example...eating healthy, joining a gym, making better life decisions...is it easier to attack these obstacles because we know someone else who is sharing our battle?

Personally, years ago, the thought of joining a gym was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. Just the thought of a gym, and all that encompass it, stirred up such fear that I perished the thought of joining, let alone walking through the door! Knowing that I was so overweight & out of shape, I thought that I would stick out like a sore thumb. Just thinking of undressing around other women who were athletes, young and in shape, made me sweat...imaging all of the judgmental stares & looks of disgust at my invasion of their meat locker...oh what visions our minds can create when we're afraid. Still, one year (as part of my New Year's resolution) I vowed that I would face my fear, bite the bullet, and take that step that was so desperately needed to obtain my goal.

And you want to know what? It wasn't as scary as I thought.

I wasn't the only one there who was unfit. I wasn't the only one there who could only muster a mere 5 minutes on an elliptical, or walk 10 minutes on level 2 of the treadmill, or actually reading the instructions on how to use the equipment. Sure, there were plenty of the afore-mentioned individuals who could run marathons around me, but not one of them gave me the stink-eye or made me feel self conscious. And even if they had...I found a new sense of courage while in that gym that I never even imagined could exist...a chance for change. A promise of improvement, an environment full of opportunities to better myself. I felt strong. If anyone had approached me in an attempt to judge, I didn't notice, because at least I was there doing something to change. And I felt GOOD, and my fears of working out in public transformed into enjoyment and love!

My point, dear friends, is that though you may feel it at times, you are NOT alone. You are not alone in this world, and you are most certainty not alone in your journey to lose weight or become healthy. Walking into a world that is foreign can be scary, but you may find out that you blend right in! Face your fears on whatever you may be avoiding, and never look back. Don't fear what you don't know, because you're only holding yourself back, both physically & socially!

Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
