
There are always myths floating around re:weight loss and dieting...

Did you ever wonder where they came from?  Who started them?  Are they true?  What should we believe, and what should we delete from our master brains?  Here are some fun "factoids" that are sure to start the wheels turning...and yes...they're all true!
  • Factoid #1:The difference between obese and thin people is not the number of fat CELLS. It is the size of the fat cells. When you store fat, you don't grow new fat cells, they just get larger. Same goes for muscles. When you build muscles, you don't grow new muscle cells, the cells you have get bigger.

  • Factoid #2: (Mythbusting) The true root of obesity is agriculture and not fast food. The rise in agrculture provided a steady supply of foods that we wanted (as opposed to what we needed). With a constant source of food, people became less nomadic and communities grew closer together. In addition, farm raised meats are fattier (and tastier) than wild game once hunted by nomadic tribal man (or woman).

  • Factoid #3: The Journal of the American Medical Association had a study where they had 2 groups of people try two different diets. The first group was simply told to eat a diet rich in "good for you foods", such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil. The other group was not told what to eat but instead given specific percentages of Protein, Carbs and Fat to eat each day. In short they had to think about preparing their foods, measuring and dividing their portions while the first group was just given general guidelines.

    Neither group was told how much to eat and were to let their hunger dictact their eating patterns. When they did, the first group lost weight without trying because they were eating foods that left them full longer so they didn't eat as much. The first group ate significantly more fiber, ate higher amounts of omega-3 fats (in the form of olives, fish and nuts [especially walnuts]), and they doubled their consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  • Factoid #4: do not eat all your calories in one meal. Anecdotal evidence from doctors watching residents that worked the 'all night shift' found that people eating all their calories in one meal gained more weight than those spacing out their calories. The reason? The same reason if you under eat, your bobdy goes into starvation mode and starts storing more fat.
Until Tomorrow!
Keep healthy, keep safe and keep going!
Have an awesome day!
